PostgreSQL 源码解读(10)- 插入数据#9(ProcessQuery)
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//节点标记,枚举类型 /*  * The first field of every node is NodeTag. Each node created (with makeNode)  * will have one of the following tags as the value of its first field.  *  * Note that inserting or deleting node types changes the numbers of other  * node types later in the list.  This is no problem during development, since  * the node numbers are never stored on disk.  But don't do it in a released  * branch, because that would represent an ABI break for extensions.  */ typedef enum NodeTag {     T_Invalid = 0,      /*      * TAGS FOR EXECUTOR NODES (execnodes.h)      */     T_IndexInfo,     T_ExprContext,     T_ProjectionInfo,     T_JunkFilter,     T_OnConflictSetState,     T_ResultRelInfo,     T_EState,     T_TupleTableSlot,      /*      * TAGS FOR PLAN NODES (plannodes.h)      */     T_Plan,     T_Result,     T_ProjectSet,     T_ModifyTable,     T_Append,     T_MergeAppend,     T_RecursiveUnion,     T_BitmapAnd,     T_BitmapOr,     T_Scan,     T_SeqScan,     T_SampleScan,     T_IndexScan,     T_IndexOnlyScan,     T_BitmapIndexScan,     T_BitmapHeapScan,     T_TidScan,     T_SubqueryScan,     T_FunctionScan,     T_ValuesScan,     T_TableFuncScan,     T_CteScan,     T_NamedTuplestoreScan,     T_WorkTableScan,     T_ForeignScan,     T_CustomScan,     T_Join,     T_NestLoop,     T_MergeJoin,     T_HashJoin,     T_Material,     T_Sort,     T_Group,     T_Agg,     T_WindowAgg,     T_Unique,     T_Gather,     T_GatherMerge,     T_Hash,     T_SetOp,     T_LockRows,     T_Limit,     /* these aren't subclasses of Plan: */     T_NestLoopParam,     T_PlanRowMark,     T_PartitionPruneInfo,     T_PartitionedRelPruneInfo,     T_PartitionPruneStepOp,     T_PartitionPruneStepCombine,     T_PlanInvalItem,      /*      * TAGS FOR PLAN STATE NODES (execnodes.h)      *      * These should correspond one-to-one with Plan node types.      */     T_PlanState,     T_ResultState,     T_ProjectSetState,     T_ModifyTableState,     T_AppendState,     T_MergeAppendState,     T_RecursiveUnionState,     T_BitmapAndState,     T_BitmapOrState,     T_ScanState,     T_SeqScanState,     T_SampleScanState,     T_IndexScanState,     T_IndexOnlyScanState,     T_BitmapIndexScanState,     T_BitmapHeapScanState,     T_TidScanState,     T_SubqueryScanState,     T_FunctionScanState,     T_TableFuncScanState,     T_ValuesScanState,     T_CteScanState,     T_NamedTuplestoreScanState,     T_WorkTableScanState,     T_ForeignScanState,     T_CustomScanState,     T_JoinState,     T_NestLoopState,     T_MergeJoinState,     T_HashJoinState,     T_MaterialState,     T_SortState,     T_GroupState,     T_AggState,     T_WindowAggState,     T_UniqueState,     T_GatherState,     T_GatherMergeState,     T_HashState,     T_SetOpState,     T_LockRowsState,     T_LimitState,      /*      * TAGS FOR PRIMITIVE NODES (primnodes.h)      */     T_Alias,     T_RangeVar,     T_TableFunc,     T_Expr,     T_Var,     T_Const,     T_Param,     T_Aggref,     T_GroupingFunc,     T_WindowFunc,     T_ArrayRef,     T_FuncExpr,     T_NamedArgExpr,     T_OpExpr,     T_DistinctExpr,     T_NullIfExpr,     T_ScalarArrayOpExpr,     T_BoolExpr,     T_SubLink,     T_SubPlan,     T_AlternativeSubPlan,     T_FieldSelect,     T_FieldStore,     T_RelabelType,     T_CoerceViaIO,     T_ArrayCoerceExpr,     T_ConvertRowtypeExpr,     T_CollateExpr,     T_CaseExpr,     T_CaseWhen,     T_CaseTestExpr,     T_ArrayExpr,     T_RowExpr,     T_RowCompareExpr,     T_CoalesceExpr,     T_MinMaxExpr,     T_SQLValueFunction,     T_XmlExpr,     T_NullTest,     T_BooleanTest,     T_CoerceToDomain,     T_CoerceToDomainValue,     T_SetToDefault,     T_CurrentOfExpr,     T_NextValueExpr,     T_InferenceElem,     T_TargetEntry,     T_RangeTblRef,     T_JoinExpr,     T_FromExpr,     T_OnConflictExpr,     T_IntoClause,      /*      * TAGS FOR EXPRESSION STATE NODES (execnodes.h)      *      * ExprState represents the evaluation state for a whole expression tree.      * Most Expr-based plan nodes do not have a corresponding expression state      * node, they're fully handled within execExpr* - but sometimes the state      * needs to be shared with other parts of the executor, as for example      * with AggrefExprState, which nodeAgg.c has to modify.      */     T_ExprState,     T_AggrefExprState,     T_WindowFuncExprState,     T_SetExprState,     T_SubPlanState,     T_AlternativeSubPlanState,     T_DomainConstraintState,      /*      * TAGS FOR PLANNER NODES (relation.h)      */     T_PlannerInfo,     T_PlannerGlobal,     T_RelOptInfo,     T_IndexOptInfo,     T_ForeignKeyOptInfo,     T_ParamPathInfo,     T_Path,     T_IndexPath,     T_BitmapHeapPath,     T_BitmapAndPath,     T_BitmapOrPath,     T_TidPath,     T_SubqueryScanPath,     T_ForeignPath,     T_CustomPath,     T_NestPath,     T_MergePath,     T_HashPath,     T_AppendPath,     T_MergeAppendPath,     T_ResultPath,     T_MaterialPath,     T_UniquePath,     T_GatherPath,     T_GatherMergePath,     T_ProjectionPath,     T_ProjectSetPath,     T_SortPath,     T_GroupPath,     T_UpperUniquePath,     T_AggPath,     T_GroupingSetsPath,     T_MinMaxAggPath,     T_WindowAggPath,     T_SetOpPath,     T_RecursiveUnionPath,     T_LockRowsPath,     T_ModifyTablePath,     T_LimitPath,     /* these aren't subclasses of Path: */     T_EquivalenceClass,     T_EquivalenceMember,     T_PathKey,     T_PathTarget,     T_RestrictInfo,     T_PlaceHolderVar,     T_SpecialJoinInfo,     T_AppendRelInfo,     T_PlaceHolderInfo,     T_MinMaxAggInfo,     T_PlannerParamItem,     T_RollupData,     T_GroupingSetData,     T_StatisticExtInfo,      /*      * TAGS FOR MEMORY NODES (memnodes.h)      */     T_MemoryContext,     T_AllocSetContext,     T_SlabContext,     T_GenerationContext,      /*      * TAGS FOR VALUE NODES (value.h)      */     T_Value,     T_Integer,     T_Float,     T_String,     T_BitString,     T_Null,      /*      * TAGS FOR LIST NODES (pg_list.h)      */     T_List,     T_IntList,     T_OidList,      /*      * TAGS FOR EXTENSIBLE NODES (extensible.h)      */     T_ExtensibleNode,      /*      * TAGS FOR STATEMENT NODES (mostly in parsenodes.h)      */     T_RawStmt,     T_Query,     T_PlannedStmt,     T_InsertStmt,     T_DeleteStmt,     T_UpdateStmt,     T_SelectStmt,     T_AlterTableStmt,     T_AlterTableCmd,     T_AlterDomainStmt,     T_SetOperationStmt,     T_GrantStmt,     T_GrantRoleStmt,     T_AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt,     T_ClosePortalStmt,     T_ClusterStmt,     T_CopyStmt,     T_CreateStmt,     T_DefineStmt,     T_DropStmt,     T_TruncateStmt,     T_CommentStmt,     T_FetchStmt,     T_IndexStmt,     T_CreateFunctionStmt,     T_AlterFunctionStmt,     T_DoStmt,     T_RenameStmt,     T_RuleStmt,     T_NotifyStmt,     T_ListenStmt,     T_UnlistenStmt,     T_TransactionStmt,     T_ViewStmt,     T_LoadStmt,     T_CreateDomainStmt,     T_CreatedbStmt,     T_DropdbStmt,     T_VacuumStmt,     T_ExplainStmt,     T_CreateTableAsStmt,     T_CreateSeqStmt,     T_AlterSeqStmt,     T_VariableSetStmt,     T_VariableShowStmt,     T_DiscardStmt,     T_CreateTrigStmt,     T_CreatePLangStmt,     T_CreateRoleStmt,     T_AlterRoleStmt,     T_DropRoleStmt,     T_LockStmt,     T_ConstraintsSetStmt,     T_ReindexStmt,     T_CheckPointStmt,     T_CreateSchemaStmt,     T_AlterDatabaseStmt,     T_AlterDatabaseSetStmt,     T_AlterRoleSetStmt,     T_CreateConversionStmt,     T_CreateCastStmt,     T_CreateOpClassStmt,     T_CreateOpFamilyStmt,     T_AlterOpFamilyStmt,     T_PrepareStmt,     T_ExecuteStmt,     T_DeallocateStmt,     T_DeclareCursorStmt,     T_CreateTableSpaceStmt,     T_DropTableSpaceStmt,     T_AlterObjectDependsStmt,     T_AlterObjectSchemaStmt,     T_AlterOwnerStmt,     T_AlterOperatorStmt,     T_DropOwnedStmt,     T_ReassignOwnedStmt,     T_CompositeTypeStmt,     T_CreateEnumStmt,     T_CreateRangeStmt,     T_AlterEnumStmt,     T_AlterTSDictionaryStmt,     T_AlterTSConfigurationStmt,     T_CreateFdwStmt,     T_AlterFdwStmt,     T_CreateForeignServerStmt,     T_AlterForeignServerStmt,     T_CreateUserMappingStmt,     T_AlterUserMappingStmt,     T_DropUserMappingStmt,     T_AlterTableSpaceOptionsStmt,     T_AlterTableMoveAllStmt,     T_SecLabelStmt,     T_CreateForeignTableStmt,     T_ImportForeignSchemaStmt,     T_CreateExtensionStmt,     T_AlterExtensionStmt,     T_AlterExtensionContentsStmt,     T_CreateEventTrigStmt,     T_AlterEventTrigStmt,     T_RefreshMatViewStmt,     T_ReplicaIdentityStmt,     T_AlterSystemStmt,     T_CreatePolicyStmt,     T_AlterPolicyStmt,     T_CreateTransformStmt,     T_CreateAmStmt,     T_CreatePublicationStmt,     T_AlterPublicationStmt,     T_CreateSubscriptionStmt,     T_AlterSubscriptionStmt,     T_DropSubscriptionStmt,     T_CreateStatsStmt,     T_AlterCollationStmt,     T_CallStmt,      /*      * TAGS FOR PARSE TREE NODES (parsenodes.h)      */     T_A_Expr,     T_ColumnRef,     T_ParamRef,     T_A_Const,     T_FuncCall,     T_A_Star,     T_A_Indices,     T_A_Indirection,     T_A_ArrayExpr,     T_ResTarget,     T_MultiAssignRef,     T_TypeCast,     T_CollateClause,     T_SortBy,     T_WindowDef,     T_RangeSubselect,     T_RangeFunction,     T_RangeTableSample,     T_RangeTableFunc,     T_RangeTableFuncCol,     T_TypeName,     T_ColumnDef,     T_IndexElem,     T_Constraint,     T_DefElem,     T_RangeTblEntry,     T_RangeTblFunction,     T_TableSampleClause,     T_WithCheckOption,     T_SortGroupClause,     T_GroupingSet,     T_WindowClause,     T_ObjectWithArgs,     T_AccessPriv,     T_CreateOpClassItem,     T_TableLikeClause,     T_FunctionParameter,     T_LockingClause,     T_RowMarkClause,     T_XmlSerialize,     T_WithClause,     T_InferClause,     T_OnConflictClause,     T_CommonTableExpr,     T_RoleSpec,     T_TriggerTransition,     T_PartitionElem,     T_PartitionSpec,     T_PartitionBoundSpec,     T_PartitionRangeDatum,     T_PartitionCmd,     T_VacuumRelation,      /*      * TAGS FOR REPLICATION GRAMMAR PARSE NODES (replnodes.h)      */     T_IdentifySystemCmd,     T_BaseBackupCmd,     T_CreateReplicationSlotCmd,     T_DropReplicationSlotCmd,     T_StartReplicationCmd,     T_TimeLineHistoryCmd,     T_SQLCmd,      /*      * TAGS FOR RANDOM OTHER STUFF      *      * These are objects that aren't part of parse/plan/execute node tree      * structures, but we give them NodeTags anyway for identification      * purposes (usually because they are involved in APIs where we want to      * pass multiple object types through the same pointer).      */     T_TriggerData,              /* in commands/trigger.h */     T_EventTriggerData,         /* in commands/event_trigger.h */     T_ReturnSetInfo,            /* in nodes/execnodes.h */     T_WindowObjectData,         /* private in nodeWindowAgg.c */     T_TIDBitmap,                /* in nodes/tidbitmap.h */     T_InlineCodeBlock,          /* in nodes/parsenodes.h */     T_FdwRoutine,               /* in foreign/fdwapi.h */     T_IndexAmRoutine,           /* in access/amapi.h */     T_TsmRoutine,               /* in access/tsmapi.h */     T_ForeignKeyCacheInfo,      /* in utils/rel.h */     T_CallContext               /* in nodes/parsenodes.h */ } NodeTag;  /*  * The first field of a node of any type is guaranteed to be the NodeTag.  * Hence the type of any node can be gotten by casting it to Node. Declaring  * a variable to be of Node * (instead of void *) can also facilitate  * debugging.  */ typedef struct Node {     NodeTag     type; } Node;  #define nodeTag(nodeptr)        (((const Node*)(nodeptr))->type)


//内存上下文//AllocSetContext结构体的MemoryContextData与其共享// typedef struct MemoryContextData {     NodeTag     type;           /* identifies exact kind of context */     /* these two fields are placed here to minimize alignment wastage: */     bool        isReset;        /* T = no space alloced since last reset */     bool        allowInCritSection; /* allow palloc in critical section */     const MemoryContextMethods *methods;    /* virtual function table */     MemoryContext parent;       /* NULL if no parent (toplevel context) */     MemoryContext firstchild;   /* head of linked list of children */     MemoryContext prevchild;    /* previous child of same parent */     MemoryContext nextchild;    /* next child of same parent */     const char *name;           /* context name (just for debugging) */     const char *ident;          /* context ID if any (just for debugging) */     MemoryContextCallback *reset_cbs;   /* list of reset/delete callbacks */ } MemoryContextData;  /* utils/palloc.h contains typedef struct MemoryContextData *MemoryContext */ /*  * Type MemoryContextData is declared in nodes/memnodes.h.  Most users  * of memory allocation should just treat it as an abstract type, so we  * do not provide the struct contents here.  */ typedef struct MemoryContextData *MemoryContext;


/*  * AllocSetContext is our standard implementation of MemoryContext.  *  * Note: header.isReset means there is nothing for AllocSetReset to do.  * This is different from the aset being physically empty (empty blocks list)  * because we will still have a keeper block.  It's also different from the set  * being logically empty, because we don't attempt to detect pfree'ing the  * last active chunk.  */ typedef struct AllocSetContext {     MemoryContextData header;   /* Standard memory-context fields */     /* Info about storage allocated in this context: */     AllocBlock  blocks;         /* head of list of blocks in this set */     AllocChunk  freelist[ALLOCSET_NUM_FREELISTS];   /* free chunk lists */     /* Allocation parameters for this context: */     Size        initBlockSize;  /* initial block size */     Size        maxBlockSize;   /* maximum block size */     Size        nextBlockSize;  /* next block size to allocate */     Size        allocChunkLimit;    /* effective chunk size limit */     AllocBlock  keeper;         /* keep this block over resets */     /* freelist this context could be put in, or -1 if not a candidate: */     int         freeListIndex;  /* index in context_freelists[], or -1 */ } AllocSetContext;  typedef AllocSetContext *AllocSet;


/*  * AllocBlock  *      An AllocBlock is the unit of memory that is obtained by aset.c  *      from malloc().  It contains one or more AllocChunks, which are  *      the units requested by palloc() and freed by pfree().  AllocChunks  *      cannot be returned to malloc() individually, instead they are put  *      on freelists by pfree() and re-used by the next palloc() that has  *      a matching request size.  *  *      AllocBlockData is the header data for a block --- the usable space  *      within the block begins at the next alignment boundary.  */ typedef struct AllocBlockData {     AllocSet    aset;           /* aset that owns this block */     AllocBlock  prev;           /* prev block in aset's blocks list, if any */     AllocBlock  next;           /* next block in aset's blocks list, if any */     char       *freeptr;        /* start of free space in this block */     char       *endptr;         /* end of space in this block */ }           AllocBlockData;  typedef struct AllocBlockData *AllocBlock; /* forward reference */


/*  * AllocChunk  *      The prefix of each piece of memory in an AllocBlock  *  * Note: to meet the memory context APIs, the payload area of the chunk must  * be maxaligned, and the "aset" link must be immediately adjacent to the  * payload area (cf. GetMemoryChunkContext).  We simplify matters for this  * module by requiring sizeof(AllocChunkData) to be maxaligned, and then  * we can ensure things work by adding any required alignment padding before  * the "aset" field.  There is a static assertion below that the alignment  * is done correctly.  */ typedef struct AllocChunkData {     /* size is always the size of the usable space in the chunk */     Size        size; #ifdef MEMORY_CONTEXT_CHECKING     /* when debugging memory usage, also store actual requested size */     /* this is zero in a free chunk */     Size        requested_size;  #define ALLOCCHUNK_RAWSIZE  (SIZEOF_SIZE_T * 2 + SIZEOF_VOID_P) #else #define ALLOCCHUNK_RAWSIZE  (SIZEOF_SIZE_T + SIZEOF_VOID_P) #endif                          /* MEMORY_CONTEXT_CHECKING */      /* ensure proper alignment by adding padding if needed */ #if (ALLOCCHUNK_RAWSIZE % MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF) != 0     char        padding[MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF - ALLOCCHUNK_RAWSIZE % MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF]; #endif      /* aset is the owning aset if allocated, or the freelist link if free */     void       *aset;     /* there must not be any padding to reach a MAXALIGN boundary here! */ }           AllocChunkData;  typedef struct AllocChunkData *AllocChunk;


typedef struct AllocSetFreeList{    int         num_free;       /* current list length */    AllocSetContext *first_free;    /* list header */} AllocSetFreeList;


/* context_freelists[0] is for default params, [1] for small params */static AllocSetFreeList context_freelists[2] ={    {        0, NULL    },    {        0, NULL    }};


//内存管理方法 typedef struct MemoryContextMethods {     void       *(*alloc) (MemoryContext context, Size size);     /* call this free_p in case someone #define's free() */     void        (*free_p) (MemoryContext context, void *pointer);     void       *(*realloc) (MemoryContext context, void *pointer, Size size);     void        (*reset) (MemoryContext context);     void        (*delete_context) (MemoryContext context);     Size        (*get_chunk_space) (MemoryContext context, void *pointer);     bool        (*is_empty) (MemoryContext context);     void        (*stats) (MemoryContext context,                           MemoryStatsPrintFunc printfunc, void *passthru,                           MemoryContextCounters *totals); #ifdef MEMORY_CONTEXT_CHECKING     void        (*check) (MemoryContext context); #endif } MemoryContextMethods;//预定义 /*  * This is the virtual function table for AllocSet contexts.  */ static const MemoryContextMethods AllocSetMethods = {     AllocSetAlloc,     AllocSetFree,     AllocSetRealloc,     AllocSetReset,     AllocSetDelete,     AllocSetGetChunkSpace,     AllocSetIsEmpty,     AllocSetStats #ifdef MEMORY_CONTEXT_CHECKING     ,AllocSetCheck #endif };


#define ALLOC_BLOCKHDRSZ    MAXALIGN(sizeof(AllocBlockData)) #define ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ    sizeof(struct AllocChunkData) /*  * Recommended default alloc parameters, suitable for "ordinary" contexts  * that might hold quite a lot of data.  */ #define ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MINSIZE   0 #define ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_INITSIZE  (8 * 1024) #define ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE   (8 * 1024 * 1024) #define ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES \     ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MINSIZE, ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_INITSIZE, ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MAXSIZE #define VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(addr, size) do {} while (0) #define ALLOC_MINBITS 3 /* smallest chunk size is 8 bytes */ #define ALLOCSET_NUM_FREELISTS 11 #define ALLOC_CHUNK_LIMIT (1 << (ALLOCSET_NUM_FREELISTS-1+ALLOC_MINBITS)) #define ALLOCSET_SEPARATE_THRESHOLD 8192#define ALLOC_CHUNK_FRACTION 4 /* We allow chunks to be at most 1/4 of maxBlockSize (less overhead) */



//根据输入的参数构造QueryDesc /*  * CreateQueryDesc  */ QueryDesc * CreateQueryDesc(PlannedStmt *plannedstmt,                 const char *sourceText,                 Snapshot snapshot,                 Snapshot crosscheck_snapshot,                 DestReceiver *dest,                 ParamListInfo params,                 QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,                 int instrument_options) {     QueryDesc  *qd = (QueryDesc *) palloc(sizeof(QueryDesc));      qd->operation = plannedstmt->commandType;   /* operation */     qd->plannedstmt = plannedstmt;  /* plan */     qd->sourceText = sourceText;    /* query text */     qd->snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(snapshot);  /* snapshot */     /* RI check snapshot */     qd->crosscheck_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(crosscheck_snapshot);     qd->dest = dest;            /* output dest */     qd->params = params;        /* parameter values passed into query */     qd->queryEnv = queryEnv;     qd->instrument_options = instrument_options;    /* instrumentation wanted? */      /* null these fields until set by ExecutorStart */     qd->tupDesc = NULL;     qd->estate = NULL;     qd->planstate = NULL;     qd->totaltime = NULL;      /* not yet executed */     qd->already_executed = false;      return qd; }


/* ----------------  *      CreateExecutorState  *  *      Create and initialize an EState node, which is the root of  *      working storage for an entire Executor invocation.  *  * Principally, this creates the per-query memory context that will be  * used to hold all working data that lives till the end of the query.  * Note that the per-query context will become a child of the caller's  * CurrentMemoryContext.  * ----------------  */ EState * CreateExecutorState(void)//构建EState {     EState     *estate;//EState指针     MemoryContext qcontext;     MemoryContext oldcontext;      /*      * Create the per-query context for this Executor run.      */     qcontext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,                                      "ExecutorState",                                      ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES);//创建MemoryContext      /*      * Make the EState node within the per-query context.  This way, we don't      * need a separate pfree() operation for it at shutdown.      */     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(qcontext);//切换至新创建的MemoryContext      estate = makeNode(EState);//创建Node      /*      * Initialize all fields of the Executor State structure      */     //初始化Executor State structure     estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;     estate->es_snapshot = InvalidSnapshot;  /* caller must initialize this */     estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot = InvalidSnapshot;   /* no crosscheck */     estate->es_range_table = NIL;     estate->es_plannedstmt = NULL;      estate->es_junkFilter = NULL;      estate->es_output_cid = (CommandId) 0;      estate->es_result_relations = NULL;     estate->es_num_result_relations = 0;     estate->es_result_relation_info = NULL;      estate->es_root_result_relations = NULL;     estate->es_num_root_result_relations = 0;      estate->es_tuple_routing_result_relations = NIL;      estate->es_trig_target_relations = NIL;     estate->es_trig_tuple_slot = NULL;     estate->es_trig_oldtup_slot = NULL;     estate->es_trig_newtup_slot = NULL;      estate->es_param_list_info = NULL;     estate->es_param_exec_vals = NULL;      estate->es_queryEnv = NULL;      estate->es_query_cxt = qcontext;      estate->es_tupleTable = NIL;      estate->es_rowMarks = NIL;      estate->es_processed = 0;     estate->es_lastoid = InvalidOid;      estate->es_top_eflags = 0;     estate->es_instrument = 0;     estate->es_finished = false;      estate->es_exprcontexts = NIL;      estate->es_subplanstates = NIL;      estate->es_auxmodifytables = NIL;      estate->es_per_tuple_exprcontext = NULL;      estate->es_epqTuple = NULL;     estate->es_epqTupleSet = NULL;     estate->es_epqScanDone = NULL;     estate->es_sourceText = NULL;      estate->es_use_parallel_mode = false;      estate->es_jit_flags = 0;     estate->es_jit = NULL;      /*      * Return the executor state structure      */     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);      return estate; } /*------------------ makeNode --------------------*/ #define makeNode(_type_)        ((_type_ *) newNode(sizeof(_type_),T_##_type_)) /*  * newNode -  *    create a new node of the specified size and tag the node with the  *    specified tag.  *  * !WARNING!: Avoid using newNode directly. You should be using the  *    macro makeNode.  eg. to create a Query node, use makeNode(Query)  *  * Note: the size argument should always be a compile-time constant, so the  * apparent risk of multiple evaluation doesn't matter in practice.  */ #ifdef __GNUC__  /* With GCC, we can use a compound statement within an expression */ #define newNode(size, tag) \ ({  Node   *_result; \     AssertMacro((size) >= sizeof(Node));        /* need the tag, at least */ \     _result = (Node *) palloc0fast(size); \     _result->type = (tag); \     _result; \ }) #else /*  *  There is no way to dereference the palloc'ed pointer to assign the  *  tag, and also return the pointer itself, so we need a holder variable.  *  Fortunately, this macro isn't recursive so we just define  *  a global variable for this purpose.  */ extern PGDLLIMPORT Node *newNodeMacroHolder;  #define newNode(size, tag) \ ( \     AssertMacro((size) >= sizeof(Node)),        /* need the tag, at least */ \     newNodeMacroHolder = (Node *) palloc0fast(size), \     newNodeMacroHolder->type = (tag), \     newNodeMacroHolder \ ) #endif                          /* __GNUC__ */ /*------------------ AllocSetContextCreate --------------------*/ #define AllocSetContextCreate(parent, name, allocparams) \     AllocSetContextCreateExtended(parent, name, allocparams) #endif /*  * AllocSetContextCreateExtended  *      Create a new AllocSet context.  *  * parent: parent context, or NULL if top-level context  * name: name of context (must be statically allocated)  * minContextSize: minimum context size  * initBlockSize: initial allocation block size  * maxBlockSize: maximum allocation block size  *  * Most callers should abstract the context size parameters using a macro  * such as ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES.  (This is now *required* when going  * through the AllocSetContextCreate macro.)  */ MemoryContext AllocSetContextCreateExtended(MemoryContext parent,//上一级的内存上下文                               const char *name,//MemoryContext名称                               Size minContextSize,//最小大小                               Size initBlockSize,//初始化大小                               Size maxBlockSize)//最大大小 {     int         freeListIndex;//空闲列表索引     Size        firstBlockSize;//第一个Block的Size     AllocSet    set;//AllocSetContext指针     AllocBlock  block;//Context中的Block      /* Assert we padded AllocChunkData properly */     StaticAssertStmt(ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ == MAXALIGN(ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ),                      "sizeof(AllocChunkData) is not maxaligned");//对齐     StaticAssertStmt(offsetof(AllocChunkData, aset) + sizeof(MemoryContext) ==                      ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ,                      "padding calculation in AllocChunkData is wrong");//对齐      /*      * First, validate allocation parameters.  Once these were regular runtime      * test and elog's, but in practice Asserts seem sufficient because nobody      * varies their parameters at runtime.  We somewhat arbitrarily enforce a      * minimum 1K block size.      */     //验证参数     Assert(initBlockSize == MAXALIGN(initBlockSize) &&            initBlockSize >= 1024);     Assert(maxBlockSize == MAXALIGN(maxBlockSize) &&            maxBlockSize >= initBlockSize &&            AllocHugeSizeIsValid(maxBlockSize)); /* must be safe to double */     Assert(minContextSize == 0 ||            (minContextSize == MAXALIGN(minContextSize) &&             minContextSize >= 1024 &&             minContextSize <= maxBlockSize));      /*      * Check whether the parameters match either available freelist.  We do      * not need to demand a match of maxBlockSize.      */     if (minContextSize == ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MINSIZE &&         initBlockSize == ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_INITSIZE)         freeListIndex = 0;     else if (minContextSize == ALLOCSET_SMALL_MINSIZE &&              initBlockSize == ALLOCSET_SMALL_INITSIZE)         freeListIndex = 1;     else         freeListIndex = -1;//默认为-1      /*      * If a suitable freelist entry exists, just recycle that context.      */     if (freeListIndex >= 0)//SMALL/DEFAULT值     {         AllocSetFreeList *freelist = &context_freelists[freeListIndex];//使用预定义的freelist          if (freelist->first_free != NULL)         {             /* Remove entry from freelist */             set = freelist->first_free;//使用第一个空闲的AllocSetContext             freelist->first_free = (AllocSet) set->header.nextchild;//指针指向下一个空闲的AllocSetContext             freelist->num_free--;//free计数器减一              /* Update its maxBlockSize; everything else should be OK */             set->maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize;//更新AllocSetContext的相关信息              /* Reinitialize its header, installing correct name and parent */             MemoryContextCreate((MemoryContext) set,                                 T_AllocSetContext,                                 &AllocSetMethods,                                 parent,                                 name);//创建MemoryContext              return (MemoryContext) set;//返回         }     }     //freeListIndex = -1,定制化自己的MemoryContext     /* Determine size of initial block */     firstBlockSize = MAXALIGN(sizeof(AllocSetContext)) +         ALLOC_BLOCKHDRSZ + ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ;//申请内存:AllocSetContext大小+Block头部大小+Chunk头部大小     if (minContextSize != 0)         firstBlockSize = Max(firstBlockSize, minContextSize);     else         firstBlockSize = Max(firstBlockSize, initBlockSize);      /*      * Allocate the initial block.  Unlike other aset.c blocks, it starts with      * the context header and its block header follows that.      */     set = (AllocSet) malloc(firstBlockSize);//分配内存     if (set == NULL)//OOM?     {         if (TopMemoryContext)             MemoryContextStats(TopMemoryContext);         ereport(ERROR,                 (errcode(ERRCODE_OUT_OF_MEMORY),                  errmsg("out of memory"),                  errdetail("Failed while creating memory context \"%s\".",                            name)));     }      /*      * Avoid writing code that can fail between here and MemoryContextCreate;      * we'd leak the header/initial block if we ereport in this stretch.      */      /* Fill in the initial block's block header */     //获取Block头部指针,开始填充Block头部信息     block = (AllocBlock) (((char *) set) + MAXALIGN(sizeof(AllocSetContext)));     block->aset = set;     block->freeptr = ((char *) block) + ALLOC_BLOCKHDRSZ;     block->endptr = ((char *) set) + firstBlockSize;     block->prev = NULL;     block->next = NULL;      /* Mark unallocated space NOACCESS; leave the block header alone. */     VALGRIND_MAKE_MEM_NOACCESS(block->freeptr, block->endptr - block->freeptr);      /* Remember block as part of block list */     set->blocks = block;     /* Mark block as not to be released at reset time */     set->keeper = block;      /* Finish filling in aset-specific parts of the context header */     MemSetAligned(set->freelist, 0, sizeof(set->freelist));//对齐      set->initBlockSize = initBlockSize;//初始化set的各项属性     set->maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize;     set->nextBlockSize = initBlockSize;     set->freeListIndex = freeListIndex;      /*      * Compute the allocation chunk size limit for this context.  It can't be      * more than ALLOC_CHUNK_LIMIT because of the fixed number of freelists.      * If maxBlockSize is small then requests exceeding the maxBlockSize, or      * even a significant fraction of it, should be treated as large chunks      * too.  For the typical case of maxBlockSize a power of 2, the chunk size      * limit will be at most 1/8th maxBlockSize, so that given a stream of      * requests that are all the maximum chunk size we will waste at most      * 1/8th of the allocated space.      *      * We have to have allocChunkLimit a power of two, because the requested      * and actually-allocated sizes of any chunk must be on the same side of      * the limit, else we get confused about whether the chunk is "big".      *      * Also, allocChunkLimit must not exceed ALLOCSET_SEPARATE_THRESHOLD.      */     StaticAssertStmt(ALLOC_CHUNK_LIMIT == ALLOCSET_SEPARATE_THRESHOLD,//ALLOCSET_SEPARATE_THRESHOLD,8192                      "ALLOC_CHUNK_LIMIT != ALLOCSET_SEPARATE_THRESHOLD");      set->allocChunkLimit = ALLOC_CHUNK_LIMIT;     while ((Size) (set->allocChunkLimit + ALLOC_CHUNKHDRSZ) >            (Size) ((maxBlockSize - ALLOC_BLOCKHDRSZ) / ALLOC_CHUNK_FRACTION))//ALLOC_CHUNK_FRACTION-4         set->allocChunkLimit >>= 1;//计算ChunkLimit上限,每次/2      /* Finally, do the type-independent part of context creation */     MemoryContextCreate((MemoryContext) set,                         T_AllocSetContext,                         &AllocSetMethods,                         parent,                         name);//创建MemoryContext      return (MemoryContext) set; } /*  * MemoryContextCreate  *      Context-type-independent part of context creation.  *  * This is only intended to be called by context-type-specific  * context creation routines, not by the unwashed masses.  *  * The memory context creation procedure goes like this:  *  1.  Context-type-specific routine makes some initial space allocation,  *      including enough space for the context header.  If it fails,  *      it can ereport() with no damage done.  *  2.  Context-type-specific routine sets up all type-specific fields of  *      the header (those beyond MemoryContextData proper), as well as any  *      other management fields it needs to have a fully valid context.  *      Usually, failure in this step is impossible, but if it's possible  *      the initial space allocation should be freed before ereport'ing.  *  3.  Context-type-specific routine calls MemoryContextCreate() to fill in  *      the generic header fields and link the context into the context tree.  *  4.  We return to the context-type-specific routine, which finishes  *      up type-specific initialization.  This routine can now do things  *      that might fail (like allocate more memory), so long as it's  *      sure the node is left in a state that delete will handle.  *  * node: the as-yet-uninitialized common part of the context header node.  * tag: NodeTag code identifying the memory context type.  * methods: context-type-specific methods (usually statically allocated).  * parent: parent context, or NULL if this will be a top-level context.  * name: name of context (must be statically allocated).  *  * Context routines generally assume that MemoryContextCreate can't fail,  * so this can contain Assert but not elog/ereport.  */ void MemoryContextCreate(MemoryContext node,                     NodeTag tag,                     const MemoryContextMethods *methods,                     MemoryContext parent,                     const char *name) {     /* Creating new memory contexts is not allowed in a critical section */     Assert(CritSectionCount == 0);      /* Initialize all standard fields of memory context header */     node->type = tag;     node->isReset = true;     node->methods = methods;     node->parent = parent;     node->firstchild = NULL;     node->prevchild = NULL;     node->name = name;     node->ident = NULL;     node->reset_cbs = NULL;      /* OK to link node into context tree */     if (parent)     {         node->nextchild = parent->firstchild;         if (parent->firstchild != NULL)             parent->firstchild->prevchild = node;         parent->firstchild = node;         /* inherit allowInCritSection flag from parent */         node->allowInCritSection = parent->allowInCritSection;     }     else     {         node->nextchild = NULL;         node->allowInCritSection = false;     }      VALGRIND_CREATE_MEMPOOL(node, 0, false); }


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      InitPlan  *  *      Initializes the query plan: open files, allocate storage  *      and start up the rule manager  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ static void InitPlan(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags) {     CmdType     operation = queryDesc->operation;//操作类型     PlannedStmt *plannedstmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;//已规划的Statement     Plan       *plan = plannedstmt->planTree;//执行计划     List       *rangeTable = plannedstmt->rtable;//本次执行涉及的Table     EState     *estate = queryDesc->estate;//执行状态     PlanState  *planstate;//计划状态     TupleDesc   tupType;//Tuple信息     ListCell   *l;//     int         i;//      /*      * Do permissions checks      */     ExecCheckRTPerms(rangeTable, true);//权限检查      /*      * initialize the node's execution state      */     estate->es_range_table = rangeTable;     estate->es_plannedstmt = plannedstmt;      /*      * initialize result relation stuff, and open/lock the result rels.      *      * We must do this before initializing the plan tree, else we might try to      * do a lock upgrade if a result rel is also a source rel.      */     //初始化结果Relation     if (plannedstmt->resultRelations)     {         List       *resultRelations = plannedstmt->resultRelations;         int         numResultRelations = list_length(resultRelations);         ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfos;         ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;          resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)             palloc(numResultRelations * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));         resultRelInfo = resultRelInfos;         foreach(l, resultRelations)         {             Index       resultRelationIndex = lfirst_int(l);             Oid         resultRelationOid;             Relation    resultRelation;              resultRelationOid = getrelid(resultRelationIndex, rangeTable);             resultRelation = heap_open(resultRelationOid, RowExclusiveLock);              InitResultRelInfo(resultRelInfo,                               resultRelation,                               resultRelationIndex,                               NULL,                               estate->es_instrument);             resultRelInfo++;         }         estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfos;         estate->es_num_result_relations = numResultRelations;         /* es_result_relation_info is NULL except when within ModifyTable */         estate->es_result_relation_info = NULL;          /*          * In the partitioned result relation case, lock the non-leaf result          * relations too.  A subset of these are the roots of respective          * partitioned tables, for which we also allocate ResultRelInfos.          */         estate->es_root_result_relations = NULL;         estate->es_num_root_result_relations = 0;         if (plannedstmt->nonleafResultRelations)         {             int         num_roots = list_length(plannedstmt->rootResultRelations);              /*              * Firstly, build ResultRelInfos for all the partitioned table              * roots, because we will need them to fire the statement-level              * triggers, if any.              */             resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)                 palloc(num_roots * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));             resultRelInfo = resultRelInfos;             foreach(l, plannedstmt->rootResultRelations)             {                 Index       resultRelIndex = lfirst_int(l);                 Oid         resultRelOid;                 Relation    resultRelDesc;                  resultRelOid = getrelid(resultRelIndex, rangeTable);                 resultRelDesc = heap_open(resultRelOid, RowExclusiveLock);                 InitResultRelInfo(resultRelInfo,                                   resultRelDesc,                                   lfirst_int(l),                                   NULL,                                   estate->es_instrument);                 resultRelInfo++;             }              estate->es_root_result_relations = resultRelInfos;             estate->es_num_root_result_relations = num_roots;              /* Simply lock the rest of them. */             foreach(l, plannedstmt->nonleafResultRelations)             {                 Index       resultRelIndex = lfirst_int(l);                  /* We locked the roots above. */                 if (!list_member_int(plannedstmt->rootResultRelations,                                      resultRelIndex))                     LockRelationOid(getrelid(resultRelIndex, rangeTable),                                     RowExclusiveLock);             }         }     }     else     {         /*          * if no result relation, then set state appropriately          */         estate->es_result_relations = NULL;         estate->es_num_result_relations = 0;         estate->es_result_relation_info = NULL;         estate->es_root_result_relations = NULL;         estate->es_num_root_result_relations = 0;     }      /*      * Similarly, we have to lock relations selected FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE      * before we initialize the plan tree, else we'd be risking lock upgrades.      * While we are at it, build the ExecRowMark list.  Any partitioned child      * tables are ignored here (because isParent=true) and will be locked by      * the first Append or MergeAppend node that references them.  (Note that      * the RowMarks corresponding to partitioned child tables are present in      * the same list as the rest, i.e., plannedstmt->rowMarks.)      */     estate->es_rowMarks = NIL;     foreach(l, plannedstmt->rowMarks)     {         PlanRowMark *rc = (PlanRowMark *) lfirst(l);         Oid         relid;         Relation    relation;         ExecRowMark *erm;          /* ignore "parent" rowmarks; they are irrelevant at runtime */         if (rc->isParent)             continue;          /* get relation's OID (will produce InvalidOid if subquery) */         relid = getrelid(rc->rti, rangeTable);          /*          * If you change the conditions under which rel locks are acquired          * here, be sure to adjust ExecOpenScanRelation to match.          */         switch (rc->markType)         {             case ROW_MARK_EXCLUSIVE:             case ROW_MARK_NOKEYEXCLUSIVE:             case ROW_MARK_SHARE:             case ROW_MARK_KEYSHARE:                 relation = heap_open(relid, RowShareLock);                 break;             case ROW_MARK_REFERENCE:                 relation = heap_open(relid, AccessShareLock);                 break;             case ROW_MARK_COPY:                 /* no physical table access is required */                 relation = NULL;                 break;             default:                 elog(ERROR, "unrecognized markType: %d", rc->markType);                 relation = NULL;    /* keep compiler quiet */                 break;         }          /* Check that relation is a legal target for marking */         if (relation)             CheckValidRowMarkRel(relation, rc->markType);          erm = (ExecRowMark *) palloc(sizeof(ExecRowMark));         erm->relation = relation;         erm->relid = relid;         erm->rti = rc->rti;         erm->prti = rc->prti;         erm->rowmarkId = rc->rowmarkId;         erm->markType = rc->markType;         erm->strength = rc->strength;         erm->waitPolicy = rc->waitPolicy;         erm->ermActive = false;         ItemPointerSetInvalid(&(erm->curCtid));         erm->ermExtra = NULL;         estate->es_rowMarks = lappend(estate->es_rowMarks, erm);     }      /*      * Initialize the executor's tuple table to empty.      */     estate->es_tupleTable = NIL;     estate->es_trig_tuple_slot = NULL;     estate->es_trig_oldtup_slot = NULL;     estate->es_trig_newtup_slot = NULL;      /* mark EvalPlanQual not active */     estate->es_epqTuple = NULL;     estate->es_epqTupleSet = NULL;     estate->es_epqScanDone = NULL;      /*      * Initialize private state information for each SubPlan.  We must do this      * before running ExecInitNode on the main query tree, since      * ExecInitSubPlan expects to be able to find these entries.      */     Assert(estate->es_subplanstates == NIL);     i = 1;                      /* subplan indices count from 1 */     //初始化子Plan     foreach(l, plannedstmt->subplans)     {         Plan       *subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);         PlanState  *subplanstate;         int         sp_eflags;          /*          * A subplan will never need to do BACKWARD scan nor MARK/RESTORE. If          * it is a parameterless subplan (not initplan), we suggest that it be          * prepared to handle REWIND efficiently; otherwise there is no need.          */         sp_eflags = eflags             & (EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY | EXEC_FLAG_WITH_NO_DATA);         if (bms_is_member(i, plannedstmt->rewindPlanIDs))             sp_eflags |= EXEC_FLAG_REWIND;          subplanstate = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, sp_eflags);          estate->es_subplanstates = lappend(estate->es_subplanstates,                                            subplanstate);          i++;     }      /*      * Initialize the private state information for all the nodes in the query      * tree.  This opens files, allocates storage and leaves us ready to start      * processing tuples.      */     planstate = ExecInitNode(plan, estate, eflags);      /*      * Get the tuple descriptor describing the type of tuples to return.      */     tupType = ExecGetResultType(planstate);      /*      * Initialize the junk filter if needed.  SELECT queries need a filter if      * there are any junk attrs in the top-level tlist.      */     if (operation == CMD_SELECT)     {         bool        junk_filter_needed = false;         ListCell   *tlist;          foreach(tlist, plan->targetlist)         {             TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist);              if (tle->resjunk)             {                 junk_filter_needed = true;                 break;             }         }          if (junk_filter_needed)         {             JunkFilter *j;              j = ExecInitJunkFilter(planstate->plan->targetlist,                                    tupType->tdhasoid,                                    ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL));             estate->es_junkFilter = j;              /* Want to return the cleaned tuple type */             tupType = j->jf_cleanTupType;         }     }      queryDesc->tupDesc = tupType;     queryDesc->planstate = planstate; }/*  * ExecCheckRTPerms  *      Check access permissions for all relations listed in a range table.  *  * Returns true if permissions are adequate.  Otherwise, throws an appropriate  * error if ereport_on_violation is true, or simply returns false otherwise.  *  * Note that this does NOT address row level security policies (aka: RLS).  If  * rows will be returned to the user as a result of this permission check  * passing, then RLS also needs to be consulted (and check_enable_rls()).  *  * See rewrite/rowsecurity.c.  */ bool ExecCheckRTPerms(List *rangeTable, bool ereport_on_violation) {     ListCell   *l;     bool        result = true;      foreach(l, rangeTable)     {         RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(l);          result = ExecCheckRTEPerms(rte);//基于ACL Mode的权限检查         if (!result)         {             Assert(rte->rtekind == RTE_RELATION);             if (ereport_on_violation)                 aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NO_PRIV, get_relkind_objtype(get_rel_relkind(rte->relid)),                                get_rel_name(rte->relid));             return false;         }     }      if (ExecutorCheckPerms_hook)         result = (*ExecutorCheckPerms_hook) (rangeTable,                                              ereport_on_violation);     return result; }  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecInitNode  *  *      Recursively initializes all the nodes in the plan tree rooted  *      at 'node'.  *  *      Inputs:  *        'node' is the current node of the plan produced by the query planner  *        'estate' is the shared execution state for the plan tree  *        'eflags' is a bitwise OR of flag bits described in executor.h  *  *      Returns a PlanState node corresponding to the given Plan node.  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------  */ //初始化节点,返回Plan状态 PlanState * ExecInitNode(Plan *node, EState *estate, int eflags) {     PlanState  *result;     List       *subps;     ListCell   *l;      /*      * do nothing when we get to the end of a leaf on tree.      */     if (node == NULL)         return NULL;      /*      * Make sure there's enough stack available. Need to check here, in      * addition to ExecProcNode() (via ExecProcNodeFirst()), to ensure the      * stack isn't overrun while initializing the node tree.      */     check_stack_depth();      switch (nodeTag(node))     {             /*              * control nodes              */         case T_Result:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitResult((Result *) node,                                                   estate, eflags);             break;          case T_ProjectSet:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitProjectSet((ProjectSet *) node,                                                       estate, eflags);             break;          case T_ModifyTable://插入数据             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitModifyTable((ModifyTable *) node,                                                        estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Append:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitAppend((Append *) node,                                                   estate, eflags);             break;          case T_MergeAppend:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMergeAppend((MergeAppend *) node,                                                        estate, eflags);             break;          case T_RecursiveUnion:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitRecursiveUnion((RecursiveUnion *) node,                                                           estate, eflags);             break;          case T_BitmapAnd:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapAnd((BitmapAnd *) node,                                                      estate, eflags);             break;          case T_BitmapOr:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapOr((BitmapOr *) node,                                                     estate, eflags);             break;              /*              * scan nodes              */         case T_SeqScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSeqScan((SeqScan *) node,                                                    estate, eflags);             break;          case T_SampleScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSampleScan((SampleScan *) node,                                                       estate, eflags);             break;          case T_IndexScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitIndexScan((IndexScan *) node,                                                      estate, eflags);             break;          case T_IndexOnlyScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitIndexOnlyScan((IndexOnlyScan *) node,                                                          estate, eflags);             break;          case T_BitmapIndexScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapIndexScan((BitmapIndexScan *) node,                                                            estate, eflags);             break;          case T_BitmapHeapScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitBitmapHeapScan((BitmapHeapScan *) node,                                                           estate, eflags);             break;          case T_TidScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitTidScan((TidScan *) node,                                                    estate, eflags);             break;          case T_SubqueryScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSubqueryScan((SubqueryScan *) node,                                                         estate, eflags);             break;          case T_FunctionScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitFunctionScan((FunctionScan *) node,                                                         estate, eflags);             break;          case T_TableFuncScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitTableFuncScan((TableFuncScan *) node,                                                          estate, eflags);             break;          case T_ValuesScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitValuesScan((ValuesScan *) node,                                                       estate, eflags);             break;          case T_CteScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitCteScan((CteScan *) node,                                                    estate, eflags);             break;          case T_NamedTuplestoreScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitNamedTuplestoreScan((NamedTuplestoreScan *) node,                                                                estate, eflags);             break;          case T_WorkTableScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitWorkTableScan((WorkTableScan *) node,                                                          estate, eflags);             break;          case T_ForeignScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitForeignScan((ForeignScan *) node,                                                        estate, eflags);             break;          case T_CustomScan:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitCustomScan((CustomScan *) node,                                                       estate, eflags);             break;              /*              * join nodes              */         case T_NestLoop:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitNestLoop((NestLoop *) node,                                                     estate, eflags);             break;          case T_MergeJoin:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMergeJoin((MergeJoin *) node,                                                      estate, eflags);             break;          case T_HashJoin:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitHashJoin((HashJoin *) node,                                                     estate, eflags);             break;              /*              * materialization nodes              */         case T_Material:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitMaterial((Material *) node,                                                     estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Sort:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSort((Sort *) node,                                                 estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Group:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitGroup((Group *) node,                                                  estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Agg:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitAgg((Agg *) node,                                                estate, eflags);             break;          case T_WindowAgg:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitWindowAgg((WindowAgg *) node,                                                      estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Unique:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitUnique((Unique *) node,                                                   estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Gather:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitGather((Gather *) node,                                                   estate, eflags);             break;          case T_GatherMerge:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitGatherMerge((GatherMerge *) node,                                                        estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Hash:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitHash((Hash *) node,                                                 estate, eflags);             break;          case T_SetOp:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitSetOp((SetOp *) node,                                                  estate, eflags);             break;          case T_LockRows:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitLockRows((LockRows *) node,                                                     estate, eflags);             break;          case T_Limit:             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitLimit((Limit *) node,                                                  estate, eflags);             break;          default:             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d", (int) nodeTag(node));             result = NULL;      /* keep compiler quiet */             break;     }      ExecSetExecProcNode(result, result->ExecProcNode);      /*      * Initialize any initPlans present in this node.  The planner put them in      * a separate list for us.      */     subps = NIL;     foreach(l, node->initPlan)     {         SubPlan    *subplan = (SubPlan *) lfirst(l);         SubPlanState *sstate;          Assert(IsA(subplan, SubPlan));         sstate = ExecInitSubPlan(subplan, result);         subps = lappend(subps, sstate);     }     result->initPlan = subps;      /* Set up instrumentation for this node if requested */     if (estate->es_instrument)         result->instrument = InstrAlloc(1, estate->es_instrument);      return result; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecInitModifyTable  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ ModifyTableState * ExecInitModifyTable(ModifyTable *node, EState *estate, int eflags) {     ModifyTableState *mtstate;//返回结果     CmdType     operation = node->operation;//操作类型     int         nplans = list_length(node->plans);//节点中的plan个数     ResultRelInfo *saved_resultRelInfo;     ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;//结果Relation信息     Plan       *subplan;//子Plan     ListCell   *l;//临时变量     int         i;     Relation    rel;     bool        update_tuple_routing_needed = node->partColsUpdated;      /* check for unsupported flags */     Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK)));      /*      * create state structure      */     mtstate = makeNode(ModifyTableState);//构建节点     mtstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;//设置Plan     mtstate->ps.state = estate;//设置执行状态     mtstate->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecModifyTable;//设置处理函数为ExecModifyTable      mtstate->operation = operation;//操作类型     mtstate->canSetTag = node->canSetTag;     mtstate->mt_done = false;      mtstate->mt_plans = (PlanState **) palloc0(sizeof(PlanState *) * nplans);//分配内存     mtstate->resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations + node->resultRelIndex;//结果Relation信息      /* If modifying a partitioned table, initialize the root table info */     if (node->rootResultRelIndex >= 0)         mtstate->rootResultRelInfo = estate->es_root_result_relations +             node->rootResultRelIndex;      mtstate->mt_arowmarks = (List **) palloc0(sizeof(List *) * nplans);     mtstate->mt_nplans = nplans;      /* set up epqstate with dummy subplan data for the moment */     EvalPlanQualInit(&mtstate->mt_epqstate, estate, NULL, NIL, node->epqParam);     mtstate->fireBSTriggers = true;      /*      * call ExecInitNode on each of the plans to be executed and save the      * results into the array "mt_plans".  This is also a convenient place to      * verify that the proposed target relations are valid and open their      * indexes for insertion of new index entries.  Note we *must* set      * estate->es_result_relation_info correctly while we initialize each      * sub-plan; ExecContextForcesOids depends on that!      */     saved_resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;      resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;     i = 0;     //初始化每个子Plan,保存在mt_plans数组中     foreach(l, node->plans)     {         subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);          /* Initialize the usesFdwDirectModify flag */         resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify = bms_is_member(i,                                                               node->fdwDirectModifyPlans);          /*          * Verify result relation is a valid target for the current operation          */         CheckValidResultRel(resultRelInfo, operation);          /*          * If there are indices on the result relation, open them and save          * descriptors in the result relation info, so that we can add new          * index entries for the tuples we add/update.  We need not do this          * for a DELETE, however, since deletion doesn't affect indexes. Also,          * inside an EvalPlanQual operation, the indexes might be open          * already, since we share the resultrel state with the original          * query.          */         if (resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relhasindex &&             operation != CMD_DELETE &&             resultRelInfo->ri_IndexRelationDescs == NULL)             ExecOpenIndices(resultRelInfo,                             node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE);//初始化Index          /*          * If this is an UPDATE and a BEFORE UPDATE trigger is present, the          * trigger itself might modify the partition-key values. So arrange          * for tuple routing.          */         if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&             resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_update_before_row &&             operation == CMD_UPDATE)             update_tuple_routing_needed = true;          /* Now init the plan for this result rel */         estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;         mtstate->mt_plans[i] = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, eflags);//初始化子节点          /* Also let FDWs init themselves for foreign-table result rels */         if (!resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify &&             resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&             resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignModify != NULL)         {             List       *fdw_private = (List *) list_nth(node->fdwPrivLists, i);              resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignModify(mtstate,                                                              resultRelInfo,                                                              fdw_private,                                                              i,                                                              eflags);         }          resultRelInfo++;         i++;     }      estate->es_result_relation_info = saved_resultRelInfo;      /* Get the target relation */     rel = (getTargetResultRelInfo(mtstate))->ri_RelationDesc;      /*      * If it's not a partitioned table after all, UPDATE tuple routing should      * not be attempted.      */     if (rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)         update_tuple_routing_needed = false;      /*      * Build state for tuple routing if it's an INSERT or if it's an UPDATE of      * partition key.      */     if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE &&         (operation == CMD_INSERT || update_tuple_routing_needed))         mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing =             ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting(mtstate, rel);      /*      * Build state for collecting transition tuples.  This requires having a      * valid trigger query context, so skip it in explain-only mode.      */     if (!(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY))         ExecSetupTransitionCaptureState(mtstate, estate);      /*      * Construct mapping from each of the per-subplan partition attnos to the      * root attno.  This is required when during update row movement the tuple      * descriptor of a source partition does not match the root partitioned      * table descriptor.  In such a case we need to convert tuples to the root      * tuple descriptor, because the search for destination partition starts      * from the root.  Skip this setup if it's not a partition key update.      */     if (update_tuple_routing_needed)         ExecSetupChildParentMapForSubplan(mtstate);      /*      * Initialize any WITH CHECK OPTION constraints if needed.      */     resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;     i = 0;     //设置Check选项     foreach(l, node->withCheckOptionLists)     {         List       *wcoList = (List *) lfirst(l);         List       *wcoExprs = NIL;         ListCell   *ll;          foreach(ll, wcoList)         {             WithCheckOption *wco = (WithCheckOption *) lfirst(ll);             ExprState  *wcoExpr = ExecInitQual((List *) wco->qual,                                                mtstate->mt_plans[i]);              wcoExprs = lappend(wcoExprs, wcoExpr);         }          resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptions = wcoList;         resultRelInfo->ri_WithCheckOptionExprs = wcoExprs;         resultRelInfo++;         i++;     }      /*      * Initialize RETURNING projections if needed.      */     if (node->returningLists)     {         TupleTableSlot *slot;         ExprContext *econtext;          /*          * Initialize result tuple slot and assign its rowtype using the first          * RETURNING list.  We assume the rest will look the same.          */         mtstate->ps.plan->targetlist = (List *) linitial(node->returningLists);          /* Set up a slot for the output of the RETURNING projection(s) */         ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(estate, &mtstate->ps);         slot = mtstate->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot;          /* Need an econtext too */         if (mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext == NULL)             ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &mtstate->ps);         econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;          /*          * Build a projection for each result rel.          */         resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;         foreach(l, node->returningLists)         {             List       *rlist = (List *) lfirst(l);              resultRelInfo->ri_returningList = rlist;             resultRelInfo->ri_projectReturning =                 ExecBuildProjectionInfo(rlist, econtext, slot, &mtstate->ps,                                         resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_att);             resultRelInfo++;         }     }     else     {         /*          * We still must construct a dummy result tuple type, because InitPlan          * expects one (maybe should change that?).          */         mtstate->ps.plan->targetlist = NIL;         ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(estate, &mtstate->ps);          mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext = NULL;     }      /* Set the list of arbiter indexes if needed for ON CONFLICT */     resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;     if (node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE)         resultRelInfo->ri_onConflictArbiterIndexes = node->arbiterIndexes;      /*      * If needed, Initialize target list, projection and qual for ON CONFLICT      * DO UPDATE.      */     if (node->onConflictAction == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE)     {         ExprContext *econtext;         TupleDesc   relationDesc;         TupleDesc   tupDesc;          /* insert may only have one plan, inheritance is not expanded */         Assert(nplans == 1);          /* already exists if created by RETURNING processing above */         if (mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext == NULL)             ExecAssignExprContext(estate, &mtstate->ps);          econtext = mtstate->ps.ps_ExprContext;         relationDesc = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_att;          /*          * Initialize slot for the existing tuple.  If we'll be performing          * tuple routing, the tuple descriptor to use for this will be          * determined based on which relation the update is actually applied          * to, so we don't set its tuple descriptor here.          */         mtstate->mt_existing =             ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(mtstate->ps.state,                                    mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing ?                                    NULL : relationDesc);          /* carried forward solely for the benefit of explain */         mtstate->mt_excludedtlist = node->exclRelTlist;          /* create state for DO UPDATE SET operation */         resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict = makeNode(OnConflictSetState);          /*          * Create the tuple slot for the UPDATE SET projection.          *          * Just like mt_existing above, we leave it without a tuple descriptor          * in the case of partitioning tuple routing, so that it can be          * changed by ExecPrepareTupleRouting.  In that case, we still save          * the tupdesc in the parent's state: it can be reused by partitions          * with an identical descriptor to the parent.          */         tupDesc = ExecTypeFromTL((List *) node->onConflictSet,                                  relationDesc->tdhasoid);         mtstate->mt_conflproj =             ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(mtstate->ps.state,                                    mtstate->mt_partition_tuple_routing ?                                    NULL : tupDesc);         resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjTupdesc = tupDesc;          /* build UPDATE SET projection state */         resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_ProjInfo =             ExecBuildProjectionInfo(node->onConflictSet, econtext,                                     mtstate->mt_conflproj, &mtstate->ps,                                     relationDesc);          /* initialize state to evaluate the WHERE clause, if any */         if (node->onConflictWhere)         {             ExprState  *qualexpr;              qualexpr = ExecInitQual((List *) node->onConflictWhere,                                     &mtstate->ps);             resultRelInfo->ri_onConflict->oc_WhereClause = qualexpr;         }     }      /*      * If we have any secondary relations in an UPDATE or DELETE, they need to      * be treated like non-locked relations in SELECT FOR UPDATE, ie, the      * EvalPlanQual mechanism needs to be told about them.  Locate the      * relevant ExecRowMarks.      */     foreach(l, node->rowMarks)     {         PlanRowMark *rc = lfirst_node(PlanRowMark, l);         ExecRowMark *erm;          /* ignore "parent" rowmarks; they are irrelevant at runtime */         if (rc->isParent)             continue;          /* find ExecRowMark (same for all subplans) */         erm = ExecFindRowMark(estate, rc->rti, false);          /* build ExecAuxRowMark for each subplan */         for (i = 0; i < nplans; i++)         {             ExecAuxRowMark *aerm;              subplan = mtstate->mt_plans[i]->plan;             aerm = ExecBuildAuxRowMark(erm, subplan->targetlist);             mtstate->mt_arowmarks[i] = lappend(mtstate->mt_arowmarks[i], aerm);         }     }      /* select first subplan */     mtstate->mt_whichplan = 0;     subplan = (Plan *) linitial(node->plans);     EvalPlanQualSetPlan(&mtstate->mt_epqstate, subplan,                         mtstate->mt_arowmarks[0]);      /*      * Initialize the junk filter(s) if needed.  INSERT queries need a filter      * if there are any junk attrs in the tlist.  UPDATE and DELETE always      * need a filter, since there's always at least one junk attribute present      * --- no need to look first.  Typically, this will be a 'ctid' or      * 'wholerow' attribute, but in the case of a foreign data wrapper it      * might be a set of junk attributes sufficient to identify the remote      * row.      *      * If there are multiple result relations, each one needs its own junk      * filter.  Note multiple rels are only possible for UPDATE/DELETE, so we      * can't be fooled by some needing a filter and some not.      *      * This section of code is also a convenient place to verify that the      * output of an INSERT or UPDATE matches the target table(s).      */     {         bool        junk_filter_needed = false;          switch (operation)         {             case CMD_INSERT:                 foreach(l, subplan->targetlist)                 {                     TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(l);                      if (tle->resjunk)                     {                         junk_filter_needed = true;                         break;                     }                 }                 break;             case CMD_UPDATE:             case CMD_DELETE:                 junk_filter_needed = true;                 break;             default:                 elog(ERROR, "unknown operation");                 break;         }          if (junk_filter_needed)         {             resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;             for (i = 0; i < nplans; i++)             {                 JunkFilter *j;                  subplan = mtstate->mt_plans[i]->plan;                 if (operation == CMD_INSERT || operation == CMD_UPDATE)                     ExecCheckPlanOutput(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,                                         subplan->targetlist);                  j = ExecInitJunkFilter(subplan->targetlist,                                        resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_att->tdhasoid,                                        ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL));                  if (operation == CMD_UPDATE || operation == CMD_DELETE)                 {                     /* For UPDATE/DELETE, find the appropriate junk attr now */                     char        relkind;                      relkind = resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind;                     if (relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||                         relkind == RELKIND_MATVIEW ||                         relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE)                     {                         j->jf_junkAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "ctid");                         if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(j->jf_junkAttNo))                             elog(ERROR, "could not find junk ctid column");                     }                     else if (relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)                     {                         /*                          * When there is a row-level trigger, there should be                          * a wholerow attribute.                          */                         j->jf_junkAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "wholerow");                     }                     else                     {                         j->jf_junkAttNo = ExecFindJunkAttribute(j, "wholerow");                         if (!AttributeNumberIsValid(j->jf_junkAttNo))                             elog(ERROR, "could not find junk wholerow column");                     }                 }                  resultRelInfo->ri_junkFilter = j;                 resultRelInfo++;             }         }         else         {             if (operation == CMD_INSERT)                 ExecCheckPlanOutput(mtstate->resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,                                     subplan->targetlist);         }     }      /*      * Set up a tuple table slot for use for trigger output tuples. In a plan      * containing multiple ModifyTable nodes, all can share one such slot, so      * we keep it in the estate.      */     if (estate->es_trig_tuple_slot == NULL)         estate->es_trig_tuple_slot = ExecInitExtraTupleSlot(estate, NULL);      /*      * Lastly, if this is not the primary (canSetTag) ModifyTable node, add it      * to estate->es_auxmodifytables so that it will be run to completion by      * ExecPostprocessPlan.  (It'd actually work fine to add the primary      * ModifyTable node too, but there's no need.)  Note the use of lcons not      * lappend: we need later-initialized ModifyTable nodes to be shut down      * before earlier ones.  This ensures that we don't throw away RETURNING      * rows that need to be seen by a later CTE subplan.      */     if (!mtstate->canSetTag)         estate->es_auxmodifytables = lcons(mtstate,                                            estate->es_auxmodifytables);      return mtstate; } /* ----------------  *   ModifyTable node -  *      Apply rows produced by subplan(s) to result table(s),  *      by inserting, updating, or deleting.  *  * Note that rowMarks and epqParam are presumed to be valid for all the  * subplan(s); they can't contain any info that varies across subplans.  * ----------------  */ typedef struct ModifyTable {     Plan        plan;     CmdType     operation;      /* INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE */     bool        canSetTag;      /* do we set the command tag/es_processed? */     Index       nominalRelation;    /* Parent RT index for use of EXPLAIN */     /* RT indexes of non-leaf tables in a partition tree */     List       *partitioned_rels;     bool        partColsUpdated;    /* some part key in hierarchy updated */     List       *resultRelations;    /* integer list of RT indexes */     int         resultRelIndex; /* index of first resultRel in plan's list */     int         rootResultRelIndex; /* index of the partitioned table root */     List       *plans;          /* plan(s) producing source data */     List       *withCheckOptionLists;   /* per-target-table WCO lists */     List       *returningLists; /* per-target-table RETURNING tlists */     List       *fdwPrivLists;   /* per-target-table FDW private data lists */     Bitmapset  *fdwDirectModifyPlans;   /* indices of FDW DM plans */     List       *rowMarks;       /* PlanRowMarks (non-locking only) */     int         epqParam;       /* ID of Param for EvalPlanQual re-eval */     OnConflictAction onConflictAction;  /* ON CONFLICT action */     List       *arbiterIndexes; /* List of ON CONFLICT arbiter index OIDs  */     List       *onConflictSet;  /* SET for INSERT ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE */     Node       *onConflictWhere;    /* WHERE for ON CONFLICT UPDATE */     Index       exclRelRTI;     /* RTI of the EXCLUDED pseudo relation */     List       *exclRelTlist;   /* tlist of the EXCLUDED pseudo relation */ } ModifyTable;


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecutorStart  *  *      This routine must be called at the beginning of any execution of any  *      query plan  *  * Takes a QueryDesc previously created by CreateQueryDesc (which is separate  * only because some places use QueryDescs for utility commands).  The tupDesc  * field of the QueryDesc is filled in to describe the tuples that will be  * returned, and the internal fields (estate and planstate) are set up.  *  * eflags contains flag bits as described in executor.h.  *  * NB: the CurrentMemoryContext when this is called will become the parent  * of the per-query context used for this Executor invocation.  *  * We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins  * get control when ExecutorStart is called.  Such a plugin would  * normally call standard_ExecutorStart().  *  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ void ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)//eflags见后 {     if (ExecutorStart_hook)         (*ExecutorStart_hook) (queryDesc, eflags);//提供了钩子函数     else         standard_ExecutorStart(queryDesc, eflags);//标准函数 }  void standard_ExecutorStart(QueryDesc *queryDesc, int eflags)//标准函数 {     EState     *estate;//执行器状态信息     MemoryContext oldcontext;//原内存上下文      /* sanity checks: queryDesc must not be started already */     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);     Assert(queryDesc->estate == NULL);      /*      * If the transaction is read-only, we need to check if any writes are      * planned to non-temporary tables.  EXPLAIN is considered read-only.      *      * Don't allow writes in parallel mode.  Supporting UPDATE and DELETE      * would require (a) storing the combocid hash in shared memory, rather      * than synchronizing it just once at the start of parallelism, and (b) an      * alternative to heap_update()'s reliance on xmax for mutual exclusion.      * INSERT may have no such troubles, but we forbid it to simplify the      * checks.      *      * We have lower-level defenses in CommandCounterIncrement and elsewhere      * against performing unsafe operations in parallel mode, but this gives a      * more user-friendly error message.      */     if ((XactReadOnly || IsInParallelMode()) &&         !(eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY))         ExecCheckXactReadOnly(queryDesc->plannedstmt);//ReadOnly?      /*      * Build EState, switch into per-query memory context for startup.      */     estate = CreateExecutorState();//创建执行器状态信息     queryDesc->estate = estate;//赋值      oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);//切换上下文      /*      * Fill in external parameters, if any, from queryDesc; and allocate      * workspace for internal parameters      */     estate->es_param_list_info = queryDesc->params;//设置参数      if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes != NIL)//TODO     {         int         nParamExec;          nParamExec = list_length(queryDesc->plannedstmt->paramExecTypes);         estate->es_param_exec_vals = (ParamExecData *)             palloc0(nParamExec * sizeof(ParamExecData));     }      estate->es_sourceText = queryDesc->sourceText;//源SQL语句      /*      * Fill in the query environment, if any, from queryDesc.      */     estate->es_queryEnv = queryDesc->queryEnv;//查询环境      /*      * If non-read-only query, set the command ID to mark output tuples with      */     switch (queryDesc->operation)     {         case CMD_SELECT://查询语句 TODO              /*              * SELECT FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE and modifying CTEs need to mark              * tuples              */             if (queryDesc->plannedstmt->rowMarks != NIL ||                 queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)                 estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);              /*              * A SELECT without modifying CTEs can't possibly queue triggers,              * so force skip-triggers mode. This is just a marginal efficiency              * hack, since AfterTriggerBeginQuery/AfterTriggerEndQuery aren't              * all that expensive, but we might as well do it.              */             if (!queryDesc->plannedstmt->hasModifyingCTE)                 eflags |= EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS;             break;          case CMD_INSERT://插入语句         case CMD_DELETE:         case CMD_UPDATE:             estate->es_output_cid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);             break;          default:             elog(ERROR, "unrecognized operation code: %d",                  (int) queryDesc->operation);             break;     }      /*      * Copy other important information into the EState      */     estate->es_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->snapshot);     estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(queryDesc->crosscheck_snapshot);     estate->es_top_eflags = eflags;     estate->es_instrument = queryDesc->instrument_options;     estate->es_jit_flags = queryDesc->plannedstmt->jitFlags;      /*      * Set up an AFTER-trigger statement context, unless told not to, or      * unless it's EXPLAIN-only mode (when ExecutorFinish won't be called).      */     if (!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS | EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY)))         AfterTriggerBeginQuery();          /*      * Initialize the plan state tree      */     InitPlan(queryDesc, eflags);//初始化Plan State tree      MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); }  /*  *  GetCurrentCommandId  *  * "used" must be true if the caller intends to use the command ID to mark  * inserted/updated/deleted tuples.  false means the ID is being fetched  * for read-only purposes (ie, as a snapshot validity cutoff).  See  * CommandCounterIncrement() for discussion.  */ CommandId GetCurrentCommandId(bool used) {     /* this is global to a transaction, not subtransaction-local */     if (used)     {         /*          * Forbid setting currentCommandIdUsed in a parallel worker, because          * we have no provision for communicating this back to the master.  We          * could relax this restriction when currentCommandIdUsed was already          * true at the start of the parallel operation.          */         Assert(!IsParallelWorker());         currentCommandIdUsed = true;     }     return currentCommandId; } /* * The "eflags" argument to ExecutorStart and the various ExecInitNode * routines is a bitwise OR of the following flag bits, which tell the * called plan node what to expect.  Note that the flags will get modified * as they are passed down the plan tree, since an upper node may require * functionality in its subnode not demanded of the plan as a whole * (example: MergeJoin requires mark/restore capability in its inner input), * or an upper node may shield its input from some functionality requirement * (example: Materialize shields its input from needing to do backward scan). * * EXPLAIN_ONLY indicates that the plan tree is being initialized just so * EXPLAIN can print it out; it will not be run.  Hence, no side-effects * of startup should occur.  However, error checks (such as permission checks) * should be performed. * * REWIND indicates that the plan node should try to efficiently support * rescans without parameter changes.  (Nodes must support ExecReScan calls * in any case, but if this flag was not given, they are at liberty to do it * through complete recalculation.  Note that a parameter change forces a * full recalculation in any case.) * * BACKWARD indicates that the plan node must respect the es_direction flag. * When this is not passed, the plan node will only be run forwards. * * MARK indicates that the plan node must support Mark/Restore calls. * When this is not passed, no Mark/Restore will occur. * * SKIP_TRIGGERS tells ExecutorStart/ExecutorFinish to skip calling * AfterTriggerBeginQuery/AfterTriggerEndQuery.  This does not necessarily * mean that the plan can't queue any AFTER triggers; just that the caller * is responsible for there being a trigger context for them to be queued in. * * WITH/WITHOUT_OIDS tell the executor to emit tuples with or without space * for OIDs, respectively.  These are currently used only for CREATE TABLE AS. * If neither is set, the plan may or may not produce tuples including OIDs. */#define EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY  0x0001  /* EXPLAIN, no ANALYZE */#define EXEC_FLAG_REWIND        0x0002  /* need efficient rescan */#define EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD      0x0004  /* need backward scan */#define EXEC_FLAG_MARK          0x0008  /* need mark/restore */#define EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS 0x0010  /* skip AfterTrigger calls */#define EXEC_FLAG_WITH_OIDS     0x0020  /* force OIDs in returned tuples */#define EXEC_FLAG_WITHOUT_OIDS  0x0040  /* force no OIDs in returned tuples */#define EXEC_FLAG_WITH_NO_DATA  0x0080  /* rel scannability doesn't matter */




/* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecutorFinish  *  *      This routine must be called after the last ExecutorRun call.  *      It performs cleanup such as firing AFTER triggers.  It is  *      separate from ExecutorEnd because EXPLAIN ANALYZE needs to  *      include these actions in the total runtime.  *  *      We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins  *      get control when ExecutorFinish is called.  Such a plugin would  *      normally call standard_ExecutorFinish().  *  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ void ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc) {     if (ExecutorFinish_hook)         (*ExecutorFinish_hook) (queryDesc);     else         standard_ExecutorFinish(queryDesc); }  void standard_ExecutorFinish(QueryDesc *queryDesc) {     EState     *estate;     MemoryContext oldcontext;      /* sanity checks */     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);      estate = queryDesc->estate;      Assert(estate != NULL);     Assert(!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));      /* This should be run once and only once per Executor instance */     Assert(!estate->es_finished);      /* Switch into per-query memory context */     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);      /* Allow instrumentation of Executor overall runtime */     if (queryDesc->totaltime)         InstrStartNode(queryDesc->totaltime);      /* Run ModifyTable nodes to completion */     ExecPostprocessPlan(estate);      /* Execute queued AFTER triggers, unless told not to */     if (!(estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_SKIP_TRIGGERS))         AfterTriggerEndQuery(estate);      if (queryDesc->totaltime)         InstrStopNode(queryDesc->totaltime, 0);      MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);      estate->es_finished = true; }  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecPostprocessPlan  *  *      Give plan nodes a final chance to execute before shutdown  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ static void ExecPostprocessPlan(EState *estate) {     ListCell   *lc;      /*      * Make sure nodes run forward.      */     estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;      /*      * Run any secondary ModifyTable nodes to completion, in case the main      * query did not fetch all rows from them.  (We do this to ensure that      * such nodes have predictable results.)      */     foreach(lc, estate->es_auxmodifytables)     {         PlanState  *ps = (PlanState *) lfirst(lc);          for (;;)         {             TupleTableSlot *slot;              /* Reset the per-output-tuple exprcontext each time */             ResetPerTupleExprContext(estate);              slot = ExecProcNode(ps);              if (TupIsNull(slot))                 break;         }  }


/* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecutorEnd  *  *      This routine must be called at the end of execution of any  *      query plan  *  *      We provide a function hook variable that lets loadable plugins  *      get control when ExecutorEnd is called.  Such a plugin would  *      normally call standard_ExecutorEnd().  *  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ void ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc) {     if (ExecutorEnd_hook)         (*ExecutorEnd_hook) (queryDesc);     else         standard_ExecutorEnd(queryDesc); }  void standard_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc) {     EState     *estate;     MemoryContext oldcontext;      /* sanity checks */     Assert(queryDesc != NULL);      estate = queryDesc->estate;      Assert(estate != NULL);      /*      * Check that ExecutorFinish was called, unless in EXPLAIN-only mode. This      * Assert is needed because ExecutorFinish is new as of 9.1, and callers      * might forget to call it.      */     Assert(estate->es_finished ||            (estate->es_top_eflags & EXEC_FLAG_EXPLAIN_ONLY));      /*      * Switch into per-query memory context to run ExecEndPlan      */     oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(estate->es_query_cxt);      ExecEndPlan(queryDesc->planstate, estate);      /* do away with our snapshots */     UnregisterSnapshot(estate->es_snapshot);     UnregisterSnapshot(estate->es_crosscheck_snapshot);      /*      * Must switch out of context before destroying it      */     MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);      /*      * Release EState and per-query memory context.  This should release      * everything the executor has allocated.      */     FreeExecutorState(estate);      /* Reset queryDesc fields that no longer point to anything */     queryDesc->tupDesc = NULL;     queryDesc->estate = NULL;     queryDesc->planstate = NULL;     queryDesc->totaltime = NULL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------  *      ExecEndPlan  *  *      Cleans up the query plan -- closes files and frees up storage  *  * NOTE: we are no longer very worried about freeing storage per se  * in this code; FreeExecutorState should be guaranteed to release all  * memory that needs to be released.  What we are worried about doing  * is closing relations and dropping buffer pins.  Thus, for example,  * tuple tables must be cleared or dropped to ensure pins are released.  * ----------------------------------------------------------------  */ static void ExecEndPlan(PlanState *planstate, EState *estate) {     ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo;     int         i;     ListCell   *l;      /*      * shut down the node-type-specific query processing      */     ExecEndNode(planstate);      /*      * for subplans too      */     foreach(l, estate->es_subplanstates)     {         PlanState  *subplanstate = (PlanState *) lfirst(l);          ExecEndNode(subplanstate);     }      /*      * destroy the executor's tuple table.  Actually we only care about      * releasing buffer pins and tupdesc refcounts; there's no need to pfree      * the TupleTableSlots, since the containing memory context is about to go      * away anyway.      */     ExecResetTupleTable(estate->es_tupleTable, false);      /*      * close the result relation(s) if any, but hold locks until xact commit.      */     resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations;     for (i = estate->es_num_result_relations; i > 0; i--)     {         /* Close indices and then the relation itself */         ExecCloseIndices(resultRelInfo);         heap_close(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, NoLock);         resultRelInfo++;     }      /* Close the root target relation(s). */     resultRelInfo = estate->es_root_result_relations;     for (i = estate->es_num_root_result_relations; i > 0; i--)     {         heap_close(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc, NoLock);         resultRelInfo++;     }      /* likewise close any trigger target relations */     ExecCleanUpTriggerState(estate);      /*      * close any relations selected FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE, again keeping      * locks      */     foreach(l, estate->es_rowMarks)     {         ExecRowMark *erm = (ExecRowMark *) lfirst(l);          if (erm->relation)             heap_close(erm->relation, NoLock);     } }


//释放资源 /*  * FreeQueryDesc  */ void FreeQueryDesc(QueryDesc *qdesc) {     /* Can't be a live query */     Assert(qdesc->estate == NULL);      /* forget our snapshots */     UnregisterSnapshot(qdesc->snapshot);     UnregisterSnapshot(qdesc->crosscheck_snapshot);      /* Only the QueryDesc itself need be freed */     pfree(qdesc); }


/* * ProcessQuery *      Execute a single plannable query within a PORTAL_MULTI_QUERY, *      PORTAL_ONE_RETURNING, or PORTAL_ONE_MOD_WITH portal * *  plan: the plan tree for the query *  sourceText: the source text of the query *  params: any parameters needed *  dest: where to send results *  completionTag: points to a buffer of size COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE *      in which to store a command completion status string. * * completionTag may be NULL if caller doesn't want a status string. * * Must be called in a memory context that will be reset or deleted on * error; otherwise the executor's memory usage will be leaked. *//*输入:    plan-已生成执行计划的语句    sourceText-源SQL语句    params-TODO    queryEnv-查询执行的环境    dest-目标接收器    completionTag-完成标记输出:    无*/static voidProcessQuery(PlannedStmt *plan,             const char *sourceText,             ParamListInfo params,             QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,             DestReceiver *dest,             char *completionTag){    QueryDesc  *queryDesc;//查询描述符    /*     * Create the QueryDesc object     */    queryDesc = CreateQueryDesc(plan, sourceText,                                GetActiveSnapshot(), InvalidSnapshot,                                dest, params, queryEnv, 0);//构造查询描述符    /*     * Call ExecutorStart to prepare the plan for execution     */    ExecutorStart(queryDesc, 0);//启动执行器    /*     * Run the plan to completion.     */    ExecutorRun(queryDesc, ForwardScanDirection, 0L, true);//执行    /*     * Build command completion status string, if caller wants one.     */    if (completionTag)//如果需要完成标记    {        Oid         lastOid;        switch (queryDesc->operation)        {            case CMD_SELECT:                snprintf(completionTag, COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE,                         "SELECT " UINT64_FORMAT,                         queryDesc->estate->es_processed);                break;            case CMD_INSERT://插入语句                if (queryDesc->estate->es_processed == 1)                    lastOid = queryDesc->estate->es_lastoid;                else                    lastOid = InvalidOid;                snprintf(completionTag, COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE,                         "INSERT %u " UINT64_FORMAT,                         lastOid, queryDesc->estate->es_processed);                break;            case CMD_UPDATE:                snprintf(completionTag, COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE,                         "UPDATE " UINT64_FORMAT,                         queryDesc->estate->es_processed);                break;            case CMD_DELETE:                snprintf(completionTag, COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE,                         "DELETE " UINT64_FORMAT,                         queryDesc->estate->es_processed);                break;            default:                strcpy(completionTag, "???");                break;        }    }    /*     * Now, we close down all the scans and free allocated resources.     */    ExecutorFinish(queryDesc);//完成    ExecutorEnd(queryDesc);//结束    FreeQueryDesc(queryDesc);//释放资源}



testdb=# -- #9.1 ProcessQuerytestdb=# -- 获取pidtestdb=# select pg_backend_pid(); pg_backend_pid ----------------           2551(1 row)testdb=# -- 插入1行testdb=# insert into t_insert values(17,'ProcessQuery','ProcessQuery','ProcessQuery');(挂起)


[root@localhost ~]# gdb -p 2551GNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6.1-100.el7Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc....(gdb) b ProcessQueryBreakpoint 1 at 0x851d19: file pquery.c, line 149.(gdb) cContinuing.Breakpoint 1, ProcessQuery (plan=0x2ccb378, sourceText=0x2c09ef0 "insert into t_insert values(17,'ProcessQuery','ProcessQuery','ProcessQuery');", params=0x0, queryEnv=0x0, dest=0x2ccb4d8,     completionTag=0x7ffe94ba4940 "") at pquery.c:149149     queryDesc = CreateQueryDesc(plan, sourceText,#查看参数#1、plan(gdb) p *plan$1 = {type = T_PlannedStmt, commandType = CMD_INSERT, queryId = 0, hasReturning = false, hasModifyingCTE = false, canSetTag = true, transientPlan = false, dependsOnRole = false,   parallelModeNeeded = false, jitFlags = 0, planTree = 0x2ccafe8, rtable = 0x2ccb2a8, resultRelations = 0x2ccb348, nonleafResultRelations = 0x0, rootResultRelations = 0x0, subplans = 0x0,   rewindPlanIDs = 0x0, rowMarks = 0x0, relationOids = 0x2ccb2f8, invalItems = 0x0, paramExecTypes = 0x2c31370, utilityStmt = 0x0, stmt_location = 0, stmt_len = 76}(gdb) p *(plan->planTree)#执行树,左右均无兄弟节点$2 = {type = T_ModifyTable, startup_cost = 0, total_cost = 0.01, plan_rows = 1, plan_width = 298, parallel_aware = false, parallel_safe = false, plan_node_id = 0, targetlist = 0x0, qual = 0x0,   lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0, initPlan = 0x0, extParam = 0x0, allParam = 0x0}(gdb) p *(plan->rtable)$3 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2ccb288, tail = 0x2ccb288}(gdb) p *(plan->rtable->head)#Oid=46969208,可使用pg_class查询$4 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x2ccb178, int_value = 46969208, oid_value = 46969208}, next = 0x0}(gdb) p *(plan->resultRelations)$5 = {type = T_IntList, length = 1, head = 0x2ccb328, tail = 0x2ccb328}(gdb) p *(plan->resultRelations->head)#Oid=1?,可使用pg_class查询$6 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x1, int_value = 1, oid_value = 1}, next = 0x0}(gdb) p *(plan->relationOids)$7 = {type = T_OidList, length = 1, head = 0x2ccb2d8, tail = 0x2ccb2d8}(gdb) p *(plan->relationOids->head)#Oid=26731,可使用pg_class查询$8 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x686b, int_value = 26731, oid_value = 26731}, next = 0x0}#2、sourceText(gdb) p sourceText$11 = 0x2c09ef0 "insert into t_insert values(17,'ProcessQuery','ProcessQuery','ProcessQuery');"#3、params(gdb) p params#NULL$12 = (ParamListInfo) 0x0#4、queryEnv(gdb) p queryEnv#NULL$13 = (QueryEnvironment *) 0x0#5、dest(gdb) p dest$14 = (DestReceiver *) 0x2ccb4d8(gdb) p *dest$15 = {receiveSlot = 0x4857ad 
, rStartup = 0x485196
, rShutdown = 0x485bad
, rDestroy = 0x485c21
, mydest = DestRemote}(gdb) #6、completionTag(gdb) p completionTag#空字符串$16 = 0x7ffe94ba4940 ""(gdb) next156 ExecutorStart(queryDesc, 0);(gdb) 161 ExecutorRun(queryDesc, ForwardScanDirection, 0L, true);(gdb) 166 if (completionTag)(gdb) 170 switch (queryDesc->operation)(gdb) 178 if (queryDesc->estate->es_processed == 1)(gdb) 179 lastOid = queryDesc->estate->es_lastoid;(gdb) p queryDesc->estate->es_lastoid$18 = 0(gdb) $19 = 0(gdb) next184 lastOid, queryDesc->estate->es_processed);(gdb) p lastOid$20 = 0(gdb) next182 snprintf(completionTag, COMPLETION_TAG_BUFSIZE,(gdb) 185 break;(gdb) p completionTag#返回标记,在psql中输出的信息$21 = 0x7ffe94ba4940 "INSERT 0 1"(gdb) $22 = 0x7ffe94ba4940 "INSERT 0 1"(gdb) next205 ExecutorFinish(queryDesc);(gdb) 206 ExecutorEnd(queryDesc);(gdb) 208 FreeQueryDesc(queryDesc);(gdb) 209 }(gdb) PortalRunMulti (portal=0x2c6f490, isTopLevel=true, setHoldSnapshot=false, dest=0x2ccb4d8, altdest=0x2ccb4d8, completionTag=0x7ffe94ba4940 "INSERT 0 1") at pquery.c:13021302 if (log_executor_stats)(gdb) #DONE!



testdb=# -- 插入1行testdb=# insert into t_insert values(18,'ProcessQuery.InitPlan','ProcessQuery.InitPlan','ProcessQuery.InitPlan');(挂起)(gdb) b InitPlanBreakpoint 1 at 0x691560: file execMain.c, line 811.#查看参数#1、queryDesc(gdb) p *queryDesc$8 = {operation = CMD_INSERT, plannedstmt = 0x2ccb408, sourceText = 0x2c09ef0 "insert into t_insert values(18,'ProcessQuery.InitPlan','ProcessQuery.InitPlan','ProcessQuery.InitPlan');",   snapshot = 0x2c2d920, crosscheck_snapshot = 0x0, dest = 0x2ccb568, params = 0x0, queryEnv = 0x0, instrument_options = 0, tupDesc = 0x0, estate = 0x2cbcc70, planstate = 0x0, already_executed = false,   totaltime = 0x0}#2、eflags(gdb) p eflags$9 = 0(gdb) next812     PlannedStmt *plannedstmt = queryDesc->plannedstmt;(gdb) 813     Plan       *plan = plannedstmt->planTree;(gdb) 814     List       *rangeTable = plannedstmt->rtable;(gdb) p *(queryDesc->plannedstmt)$10 = {type = T_PlannedStmt, commandType = CMD_INSERT, queryId = 0, hasReturning = false, hasModifyingCTE = false, canSetTag = true, transientPlan = false, dependsOnRole = false,   parallelModeNeeded = false, jitFlags = 0, planTree = 0x2ccb078, rtable = 0x2ccb338, resultRelations = 0x2ccb3d8, nonleafResultRelations = 0x0, rootResultRelations = 0x0, subplans = 0x0,   rewindPlanIDs = 0x0, rowMarks = 0x0, relationOids = 0x2ccb388, invalItems = 0x0, paramExecTypes = 0x2c313f8, utilityStmt = 0x0, stmt_location = 0, stmt_len = 103}(gdb) next815     EState     *estate = queryDesc->estate;(gdb) 824     ExecCheckRTPerms(rangeTable, true);(gdb) 829     estate->es_range_table = rangeTable;(gdb) 830     estate->es_plannedstmt = plannedstmt;(gdb) p *rangeTable$11 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2ccb318, tail = 0x2ccb318}(gdb) p *(rangeTable->head)$12 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x2ccb208, int_value = 46969352, oid_value = 46969352}, next = 0x0}(gdb) next838     if (plannedstmt->resultRelations)(gdb) 840         List       *resultRelations = plannedstmt->resultRelations;(gdb) 841         int         numResultRelations = list_length(resultRelations);(gdb) 846             palloc(numResultRelations * sizeof(ResultRelInfo));(gdb) p numResultRelations$13 = 1(gdb) p *(resultRelations->head)$14 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x1, int_value = 1, oid_value = 1}, next = 0x0}(gdb) (gdb) next845         resultRelInfos = (ResultRelInfo *)(gdb) 847         resultRelInfo = resultRelInfos;(gdb) 848         foreach(l, resultRelations)(gdb) 850             Index       resultRelationIndex = lfirst_int(l);(gdb) 854             resultRelationOid = getrelid(resultRelationIndex, rangeTable);(gdb) 855             resultRelation = heap_open(resultRelationOid, RowExclusiveLock);(gdb) 857             InitResultRelInfo(resultRelInfo,(gdb) p resultRelationOid$15 = 26731(gdb) p resultRelation$16 = (Relation) 0x7f3a64247b78#目标Relation,t_insert(gdb) p *resultRelation$17 = {rd_node = {spcNode = 1663, dbNode = 16477, relNode = 26747}, rd_smgr = 0x2c99328, rd_refcnt = 1, rd_backend = -1, rd_islocaltemp = false, rd_isnailed = false, rd_isvalid = true,   rd_indexvalid = 1 '\001', rd_statvalid = true, rd_createSubid = 0, rd_newRelfilenodeSubid = 0, rd_rel = 0x7f3a64247d88, rd_att = 0x7f3a64247e98, rd_id = 26731, rd_lockInfo = {lockRelId = {      relId = 26731, dbId = 16477}}, rd_rules = 0x0, rd_rulescxt = 0x0, trigdesc = 0x0, rd_rsdesc = 0x0, rd_fkeylist = 0x0, rd_fkeyvalid = false, rd_partkeycxt = 0x0, rd_partkey = 0x0, rd_pdcxt = 0x0,   rd_partdesc = 0x0, rd_partcheck = 0x0, rd_indexlist = 0x7f3a64249cf0, rd_oidindex = 0, rd_pkindex = 26737, rd_replidindex = 26737, rd_statlist = 0x0, rd_indexattr = 0x0, rd_projindexattr = 0x0,   rd_keyattr = 0x0, rd_pkattr = 0x0, rd_idattr = 0x0, rd_projidx = 0x0, rd_pubactions = 0x0, rd_options = 0x0, rd_index = 0x0, rd_indextuple = 0x0, rd_amhandler = 0, rd_indexcxt = 0x0,   rd_amroutine = 0x0, rd_opfamily = 0x0, rd_opcintype = 0x0, rd_support = 0x0, rd_supportinfo = 0x0, rd_indoption = 0x0, rd_indexprs = 0x0, rd_indpred = 0x0, rd_exclops = 0x0, rd_exclprocs = 0x0,   rd_exclstrats = 0x0, rd_amcache = 0x0, rd_indcollation = 0x0, rd_fdwroutine = 0x0, rd_toastoid = 0, pgstat_info = 0x2c8ae98}(gdb) gdb) next848         foreach(l, resultRelations)(gdb) 864         estate->es_result_relations = resultRelInfos;(gdb) 865         estate->es_num_result_relations = numResultRelations;(gdb) 867         estate->es_result_relation_info = NULL;(gdb) 874         estate->es_root_result_relations = NULL;(gdb) 875         estate->es_num_root_result_relations = 0;(gdb) 876         if (plannedstmt->nonleafResultRelations)(gdb) p *plannedstmt->nonleafResultRelationsCannot access memory at address 0x0(gdb) next941     estate->es_rowMarks = NIL;942     foreach(l, plannedstmt->rowMarks)(gdb) p plannedstmt->rowMarks$19 = (List *) 0x0(gdb) next1003        estate->es_tupleTable = NIL;(gdb) 1004        estate->es_trig_tuple_slot = NULL;(gdb) 1005        estate->es_trig_oldtup_slot = NULL;(gdb) 1006        estate->es_trig_newtup_slot = NULL;(gdb) 1009        estate->es_epqTuple = NULL;(gdb) 1010        estate->es_epqTupleSet = NULL;(gdb) 1011        estate->es_epqScanDone = NULL;(gdb) 1019        i = 1;                      /* subplan indices count from 1 */(gdb) 1020        foreach(l, plannedstmt->subplans)(gdb) p *plannedstmt->subplansCannot access memory at address 0x0(gdb) next1049        planstate = ExecInitNode(plan, estate, eflags);(gdb) stepExecInitNode (node=0x2ccb078, estate=0x2cbcc70, eflags=0) at execProcnode.c:148148     if (node == NULL)(gdb) next156     check_stack_depth();(gdb) 158     switch (nodeTag(node))(gdb) 174             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitModifyTable((ModifyTable *) node,(gdb) stepExecInitModifyTable (node=0x2ccb078, estate=0x2cbcc70, eflags=0) at nodeModifyTable.c:21792179        CmdType     operation = node->operation;(gdb) next2180        int         nplans = list_length(node->plans);(gdb) 2187        bool        update_tuple_routing_needed = node->partColsUpdated;(gdb) p node->plans$20 = (List *) 0x2c317c8(gdb) p *(node->plans)$21 = {type = T_List, length = 1, head = 0x2ccb058, tail = 0x2ccb058}(gdb) p *(node->plans->head)$22 = {data = {ptr_value = 0x2c315b8, int_value = 46339512, oid_value = 46339512}, next = 0x0}(gdb) next2195        mtstate = makeNode(ModifyTableState);(gdb) 2196        mtstate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node;(gdb) p *mtstate$23 = {ps = {type = T_ModifyTableState, plan = 0x0, state = 0x0, ExecProcNode = 0x0, ExecProcNodeReal = 0x0, instrument = 0x0, worker_instrument = 0x0, qual = 0x0, lefttree = 0x0, righttree = 0x0,     initPlan = 0x0, subPlan = 0x0, chgParam = 0x0, ps_ResultTupleSlot = 0x0, ps_ExprContext = 0x0, ps_ProjInfo = 0x0, scandesc = 0x0}, operation = CMD_UNKNOWN, canSetTag = false, mt_done = false,   mt_plans = 0x0, mt_nplans = 0, mt_whichplan = 0, resultRelInfo = 0x0, rootResultRelInfo = 0x0, mt_arowmarks = 0x0, mt_epqstate = {estate = 0x0, planstate = 0x0, origslot = 0x0, plan = 0x0,     arowMarks = 0x0, epqParam = 0}, fireBSTriggers = false, mt_existing = 0x0, mt_excludedtlist = 0x0, mt_conflproj = 0x0, mt_partition_tuple_routing = 0x0, mt_transition_capture = 0x0,   mt_oc_transition_capture = 0x0, mt_per_subplan_tupconv_maps = 0x0}(gdb) next2197        mtstate->ps.state = estate;(gdb) 2198        mtstate->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecModifyTable;(gdb) 2200        mtstate->operation = operation;(gdb) 2201        mtstate->canSetTag = node->canSetTag;(gdb) 2202        mtstate->mt_done = false;(gdb) 2204        mtstate->mt_plans = (PlanState **) palloc0(sizeof(PlanState *) * nplans);(gdb) 2205        mtstate->resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relations + node->resultRelIndex;(gdb) 2208        if (node->rootResultRelIndex >= 0)(gdb) 2212        mtstate->mt_arowmarks = (List **) palloc0(sizeof(List *) * nplans);(gdb) 2213        mtstate->mt_nplans = nplans;(gdb) 2216        EvalPlanQualInit(&mtstate->mt_epqstate, estate, NULL, NIL, node->epqParam);(gdb) 2217        mtstate->fireBSTriggers = true;(gdb) 2227        saved_resultRelInfo = estate->es_result_relation_info;(gdb) p *(mtstate->mt_epqstate)Structure has no component named operator*.(gdb) p mtstate->mt_epqstate$24 = {estate = 0x0, planstate = 0x0, origslot = 0x0, plan = 0x0, arowMarks = 0x0, epqParam = 0}(gdb) next2229        resultRelInfo = mtstate->resultRelInfo;(gdb) 2230        i = 0;(gdb) 2231        foreach(l, node->plans)(gdb) 2233            subplan = (Plan *) lfirst(l);(gdb) 2237                                                                  node->fdwDirectModifyPlans);(gdb) 2236            resultRelInfo->ri_usesFdwDirectModify = bms_is_member(i,(gdb) 2242            CheckValidResultRel(resultRelInfo, operation);(gdb) 2253            if (resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relhasindex &&(gdb) 2255                resultRelInfo->ri_IndexRelationDescs == NULL)(gdb) 2254                operation != CMD_DELETE &&(gdb) 2257                                node->onConflictAction != ONCONFLICT_NONE);(gdb) 2256                ExecOpenIndices(resultRelInfo,(gdb) 2264            if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&(gdb) 2270            estate->es_result_relation_info = resultRelInfo;(gdb) 2271            mtstate->mt_plans[i] = ExecInitNode(subplan, estate, eflags);(gdb) finishRun till exit from #0  ExecInitModifyTable (node=0x2ccb078, estate=0x2cbcc70, eflags=0) at nodeModifyTable.c:22940x000000000069a21a in ExecInitNode (node=0x2ccb078, estate=0x2cbcc70, eflags=0) at execProcnode.c:174174             result = (PlanState *) ExecInitModifyTable((ModifyTable *) node,Value returned is $25 = (ModifyTableState *) 0x2cbcfc0(gdb) next176             break;(gdb) 373     ExecSetExecProcNode(result, result->ExecProcNode);(gdb) p result->ExecProcNode$26 = (ExecProcNodeMtd) 0x6c2485 
(gdb) finishRun till exit from #0 ExecInitNode (node=0x2ccb078, estate=0x2cbcc70, eflags=0) at execProcnode.c:3920x0000000000691c2f in InitPlan (queryDesc=0x2cc1580, eflags=0) at execMain.c:10491049 planstate = ExecInitNode(plan, estate, eflags);Value returned is $27 = (PlanState *) 0x2cbcfc0(gdb) next1054 tupType = ExecGetResultType(planstate);(gdb) 1060 if (operation == CMD_SELECT)(gdb) p tupType$28 = (TupleDesc) 0x2cbdd40(gdb) p *tupType$29 = {natts = 0, tdtypeid = 2249, tdtypmod = -1, tdhasoid = false, tdrefcount = -1, constr = 0x0, attrs = 0x2cbdd60}(gdb) next1090 queryDesc->tupDesc = tupType;(gdb) 1091 queryDesc->planstate = planstate;(gdb) 1092 }(gdb) standard_ExecutorStart (queryDesc=0x2cc1580, eflags=0) at execMain.c:266266 MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);(gdb) #DONE!


#gdb(gdb) b CreateExecutorStateBreakpoint 1 at 0x69f2c5: file execUtils.c, line 89.#psqltestdb=# -- 插入1行testdb=# insert into t_insert values(19,'ProcessQuery.CreateExecutorState','ProcessQuery.CreateExecutorState','ProcessQuery.CreateExecutorState');(挂起)#gdb(gdb) cContinuing.Breakpoint 1, CreateExecutorState () at execUtils.c:8989      qcontext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext,#查看输入参数#该函数无输入参数(gdb) step #进入AllocSetContextCreate函数内部AllocSetContextCreateExtended (parent=0x2c09de0, name=0xb1a840 "ExecutorState", minContextSize=0, initBlockSize=8192, maxBlockSize=8388608) at aset.c:426426     if (minContextSize == ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_MINSIZE &&(gdb) next428         freeListIndex = 0;#查看AllocSetContextCreate的输入参数#1、parent(gdb) p *parent$3 = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = false, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720 
, parent = 0x2c04ba0, firstchild = 0x0, prevchild = 0x2c7fc60, nextchild = 0x2cb6b30, name = 0xb4e87c "MessageContext", ident = 0x0, reset_cbs = 0x0}#顶层Context(gdb) p *(parent->parent)$4 = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = false, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720
, parent = 0x0, firstchild = 0x2c2d7e0, prevchild = 0x0, nextchild = 0x0, name = 0xb8d050 "TopMemoryContext", ident = 0x0, reset_cbs = 0x0}#2、name(gdb) p name$5 = 0xb1a840 "ExecutorState"#3、minContextSize(gdb) p minContextSize$6 = 0#4、initBlockSize(gdb) p initBlockSize$7 = 8192 #8KB#5、maxBlockSize(gdb) p maxBlockSize$8 = 8388608 #8MB(gdb) next440 AllocSetFreeList *freelist = &context_freelists[freeListIndex];(gdb) p freeListIndex $9 = 0(gdb) $10 = 0(gdb) next442 if (freelist->first_free != NULL)(gdb) p *freelist$11 = {num_free = 4, first_free = 0x2cbcb60}(gdb) p *(freelist->first_free)$12 = {header = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = true, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720
, parent = 0x0, firstchild = 0x0, prevchild = 0x0, nextchild = 0x2cbeb70, name = 0xb1a840 "ExecutorState", ident = 0x0, reset_cbs = 0x0}, blocks = 0x2cbcc38, freelist = {0x0
}, initBlockSize = 8192, maxBlockSize = 8388608, nextBlockSize = 8192, allocChunkLimit = 8192, keeper = 0x2cbcc38, freeListIndex = 0}(gdb) next445 set = freelist->first_free;(gdb) 446 freelist->first_free = (AllocSet) set->header.nextchild;(gdb) 447 freelist->num_free--;(gdb) 450 set->maxBlockSize = maxBlockSize;(gdb) 453 MemoryContextCreate((MemoryContext) set,(gdb) 459 return (MemoryContext) set;(gdb) p *set$13 = {header = {type = T_AllocSetContext, isReset = true, allowInCritSection = false, methods = 0xb8c720
, parent = 0x2c09de0, firstchild = 0x0, prevchild = 0x0, nextchild = 0x0, name = 0xb1a840 "ExecutorState", ident = 0x0, reset_cbs = 0x0}, blocks = 0x2cbcc38, freelist = {0x0
}, initBlockSize = 8192, maxBlockSize = 8388608, nextBlockSize = 8192, allocChunkLimit = 8192, keeper = 0x2cbcc38, freeListIndex = 0}(gdb) next548 }(gdb) CreateExecutorState () at execUtils.c:9797 oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(qcontext);(gdb) 99 estate = makeNode(EState);(gdb) 104 estate->es_direction = ForwardScanDirection;(gdb) finishRun till exit from #0 CreateExecutorState () at execUtils.c:1040x000000000078cc2f in evaluate_expr (expr=0x2c30520, result_type=1043, result_typmod=44, result_collation=100) at clauses.c:48584858 estate = CreateExecutorState();Value returned is $14 = (EState *) 0x2cbcc70




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